Pais Brasileiros e pais Americanos - Brazilian and American parents
Old Sacramento - No centro velho da cidade ainda temos predios da epoca que a cidade foi fundada. (1800 e pouco)
Old Sacramento - in the old downtown district we still have buildings from when the city was founded
Old Sacramento - in the old downtown district we still have buildings from when the city was founded

No centro de Sacramento. Sacramento e a capital da California e por isso temos o "capitolio", uma replica da Casa Branca de Washington D.C.
Sacramento downtown. Sacramento is the capital of California and so we have the capitol building, a replic of the White House in Washington D.C.

A catedral - The cathedral

Em casa... lanchinho. Pais americanos e pais Brasileiros. Meu pai fez um discurso antes de entregar a placa pros Pfaffs.
At home.. snack time. American and Brazilian parents. My dad made a speech before giving the Pfaffs their plaque
Meu pai no American River que passa aqui perto de casa. Detalhe.. o rio eh LIMPO!
My dad near the American River by my house
My dad near the American River by my house

Carros Americanos sao estranhos. Principalmente que aqui pode-se colocar rodas gigantescas nos carros. Ja imaginou como uma menina de saia entra nesse carro?
American cars are weird. Specially that in the U.S. one can put huge tires in their cars. Can you imagine how a lady wearing a skirt gets in the car?
American cars are weird. Specially that in the U.S. one can put huge tires in their cars. Can you imagine how a lady wearing a skirt gets in the car?

O ultimo jantar aqui em Sacramento. Eu dei a ideia do meu pai fazer a comida (meu pai eh um otimo cozinheiro). Porem... convidados nao esperados apareceram por aqui e felizmente teve comida pra todo mundo (porque o meu pai eh exagerado). Mas que susto!!!
The last dinner in Sacramento. I had the great idea of asking my dad to cook for us (he is a good cook). However, unexpected guests also showed up for dinner and thankfully we had enough food for all (My dad always makes too much). It was scary!!!!
The last dinner in Sacramento. I had the great idea of asking my dad to cook for us (he is a good cook). However, unexpected guests also showed up for dinner and thankfully we had enough food for all (My dad always makes too much). It was scary!!!!
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