Muitas coisas mudaram desde a ultima vez que eu escrevi aqui. Eu achei que depois da formatura que eu teria muuuito tempo de sobra, mas ainda nao tive. Esse mes eu comecei a trabalhar numa empresa de biotecnologia aqui na California. Por enquanto eu to gostando de la.. hehe mas o uniforme... PUTZ! Sem comentarios ne? Fora que tiraram essa foto as 6 da manha. Ninguem merece!
A lot of things changed since last time I updated the blog. I thought that after graduation I was going to have a whole lot of time for myself. That has not happened yet. In the mean time, I started working for a biotechnology company here in California. So far I like it. But the uniform... SERIOUSLY!! And this picture was taken at six in the morning. Give me a break, okay?!

Ah tambem conhecemos um pessoal novo e achamos mais um parceiro pro Windsurf. O Marcin (Polaco tambem!) a gente conheceu um dia que fomos pro lago. O Kuba ouviu o cara falar polones e ja foi cutucar o ombro dele... heheh
We also met some new people and we found a new windsuring buddy! Marcin is also Polish and we met him by the lake one day. Kuba heard him speaking polish and went to talk to him.

Tambem fomos no aniversario da April, a filhinha de um ano da Kelly e do Chris.
We also went to April's first birthday party (daughter of Kelly and Chris).
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