Lugares que visitamos nessa viagem. De baixo pra cima, da esquerda pra direita: Carmel, Monterey (na praia), San Francisco, Napa, Sacramento, Folsom, Sequoias (Calaveras), Yosemite (verdinho) e Lake Tahoe na fronteira.
Places we visited during the trip. From left to right, from bottom to top.
Places we visited during the trip. From left to right, from bottom to top.
Em Monterey tem um aquario enorme. Se eu nao me engano, um dos maiores do mundo. Na foto: anchovas nadando no aquario em forma de circulo. O mais interessante eh que todas nadam no mesmo sentido e nunca, como diz meu pai, dao trombada! hahaha
In Monterey there is a huge aquarium! If I am not mistaken, one of the biggest ones in the world. The picture shows the anchovies swimming all in the same direction in the circle-like aquarium. They never hit each other as my dad noticed.
In Monterey there is a huge aquarium! If I am not mistaken, one of the biggest ones in the world. The picture shows the anchovies swimming all in the same direction in the circle-like aquarium. They never hit each other as my dad noticed.

Minha mae olhando as anchovas ----- My mom looking at the anchovies
No aquario tem uma parte so com agua-viva. E muito legal e vale a pena ir la so pra ver isso. Eu tirei algumas fotos das mais estranhas (e lindas!)
At the aquarium there is an exhibit just with Jelly fish. It is worth to go there just to look at the Jellies! I took some pictures of the weirdest ones (and prettiest)
As anemonas e os corais tambem sao lindos!!!
The sea anemonies and the coral reefs are also beautiful!
Acho que o que o meu pai mais gostou foi de olhar o aquario gigante onde muitos peixes grandes convivem juntos. Tubarao de todo tipo...
The exhibit my dad liked most was the aquarium with the big fish. All kinds of sharks too.
Na foto: "Como eh dentro de uma onda?"
How does it look like inside a wave?

No aquario tem uma parte so com agua-viva. E muito legal e vale a pena ir la so pra ver isso. Eu tirei algumas fotos das mais estranhas (e lindas!)
At the aquarium there is an exhibit just with Jelly fish. It is worth to go there just to look at the Jellies! I took some pictures of the weirdest ones (and prettiest)
As anemonas e os corais tambem sao lindos!!!
The sea anemonies and the coral reefs are also beautiful!
Acho que o que o meu pai mais gostou foi de olhar o aquario gigante onde muitos peixes grandes convivem juntos. Tubarao de todo tipo...
The exhibit my dad liked most was the aquarium with the big fish. All kinds of sharks too.

How does it look like inside a wave?

Monterey - hotel Portola

Between Monterey and Carmel there is a private road that goes inside a condominium with awesome houses and golf courses. It is called 17-mile drive. Have you heard of the Pebble Beach golf championship? It happens there.

Monterey, assim como Napa, tambem tem vinhos otimos! Monterey, like Napa, also has great wines.

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