No Sabado dia 26 de maio a gente foi pra Napa, uma cidade aqui no norte da California conhecida pelos otimos vinhos que produz. Muita gente vai pra Napa com "estilo"...
On Saturday May 26th we went to Napa, a city in northern California well known for its great wines. Many people go to Napa in "style"..
On Saturday May 26th we went to Napa, a city in northern California well known for its great wines. Many people go to Napa in "style"..

Primeira parada: vinicola Robert Mondavi, uma das mais antigas na regiao.
First stop, Robert Mondavi, one of the oldest wineries in the region

Na vinicola de Robert Mondavi a gente fez a primeira tour do vinho. A gente teve uma aula sobre a regiao de Napa (clima, solo, vento.. todas as condicoes ideais pra cultivar uvas pro vinho), sobre como cultivar uvas, diferenca entre as uvas (Cabernet, Merlot, Pinot noir etc), o balanco entre pH e o teor de acucar, como fazer a coleta e tambem como degustar os vinhos (Claro que o papai gostou mais dessa parte! heheh)
At the Robert Mondavi winert we went for our first wine tour. We took a class that talked about Napa (and the good conditions for wine), how to grow vines, difference between grapes (Cabernet, Merlot, Pinot noir), the balance between pH and sugar, how to colect the grapes and also how to properly drink wine (and of course, that was my dad's favorite part)
Na foto a guia falava sobre como cultivar as uvas

First stop, Robert Mondavi, one of the oldest wineries in the region

Na vinicola de Robert Mondavi a gente fez a primeira tour do vinho. A gente teve uma aula sobre a regiao de Napa (clima, solo, vento.. todas as condicoes ideais pra cultivar uvas pro vinho), sobre como cultivar uvas, diferenca entre as uvas (Cabernet, Merlot, Pinot noir etc), o balanco entre pH e o teor de acucar, como fazer a coleta e tambem como degustar os vinhos (Claro que o papai gostou mais dessa parte! heheh)
At the Robert Mondavi winert we went for our first wine tour. We took a class that talked about Napa (and the good conditions for wine), how to grow vines, difference between grapes (Cabernet, Merlot, Pinot noir), the balance between pH and sugar, how to colect the grapes and also how to properly drink wine (and of course, that was my dad's favorite part)
Na foto a guia falava sobre como cultivar as uvas

In the winter time they turn on the giant fan so that the grapes don't freeze

Depois de colher e "prensar" as uvas, elas ficam 40 dias nesse barril gigante pra fermentar.
After colection and pressing, the grapes spend 40 days in the large containers for fermentation to occur.
E depois dos 40 dias, o suco eh transferido pra esse barril menorzinho e ficam la pelo menos um ano ate serem engarrafados
After the 40 days, the juice is transfered to the small barrels and stay there for at least one year until they become bottled.
After colection and pressing, the grapes spend 40 days in the large containers for fermentation to occur.

After the 40 days, the juice is transfered to the small barrels and stay there for at least one year until they become bottled.

A foto favorita do Kuba... a parte da aula que meu pai tirou 10! Depois da aula provamos 4 vinhos diferentes e aprendemos qual vinho eh servido com qual comida e como a comida modifica o sabor do vinho.
Kuba's favorite picture... and my dad's favorite part of the class. Wine tasting took place after the class. We tried 4 different wines and we learned which wines go with which foods as well as how different foods modify the flavor of wine.
E depois de provar tantos vinhos, fiz questao que a minha mae fizesse o 4.. hahaha
After so many wines, I had to ask my mom to make the "4"..
After so many wines, I had to ask my mom to make the "4"..

A segunda parada: vinicola Beringer em Napa tambem. - Second stop: Beringer winery in Napa
A gente tambem fez a tour do vinho la... e provamos mais 4 vinhos.
We also had a wine class there and sampled 4 more wines

A terceira parada: vinicola Rutherford.
The third stop: Rutherford winery
The third stop: Rutherford winery

O que eu aprendi: O teor de acucar do vinho eh medido em BRIX (se fala "briks"). E almenta quanto mais sol a uva pegar e quanto mais tempo ficar no vinhedo. As uvas usadas pra fazer vinho branco sao colhidas primeiro que as pra vinho tinto e tem menos BRIX que as de vinho tinto. Uvas que fazer vinhos pra sobremesa (docinhos, ne Dinda!?) sao as ultimas a serem colhidas. A comida REALMENTE muda o sabor do vinho. Nao acredita? experimente... coloque um pouco de sal na palma da mao. Tome um gole de vinho. Coma o sal e tome outro gole.. o gosto eh completamente diferente.
What I learned: The sugar level in the grapes is measured as BRIX ("bricks"). It goes up as the grape is exposed to more sun and stays longer in the vine. Grapes used to make white wine are harvested first and then the ones for red wine. Grapes used to make desert wine are the last ones to be picked. Food REALLY changes the taste of wine. You don't believe? Next time you drink wine, try this.. take a sip of wine. put some salt on the palm of your hand. Lick it and take another sip of wine. The taste is totally different.
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