Dia da formatura. Depois de 4 anos e meio de faculdade aqui nos U.S.A., depois de 1642 dias, depois de mais de 50 materias, depois de muitas noites mal dormidas, depois de muitas provas, depois de ler muitos livros etc etc... o dia finalmente chegou.
Graduation day. After 4 and a half years of college in the U.S.A, after 1642 days, after more than 50 different subjects, after many late nights, after many tests, after reading so many books, the day has finally arrived
As meninas em fila nos bastidores da formatura.
Girls in Line at the backstage of the graduation ceremony

Pai (Dad), Nataly, Mae (mom) na saida da formatura
Lorae' e eu depois da formatura. Lorae' era minha parceira no Rugby e tambem no laboratorio.
Lorae' and I after graduation. Lorae' was my capitan in the Rugby team and my Lab partner. I will miss you very much!!!
Kuba, Yoli, Mike, Pai, Mae, Nataly, Elise and Eric

Dr. Metcalf (do fogao solar), Dr. Lindgren (das doencas infecciosas), Dr. Nguyen (Cancer) e Dr. Datwyler (botanica - nao tenho foto). Agradeco muito pela ajuda. Professores brilhantes!
Dr. Metcalf (from solar cooking), Dr. Lindgren (from infectious diseases class), Dr. Nguyen (Cancer) and Dr. Datwyler (botany). I thank you very much for all your help. Awesome professors.
Dr. Metcalf (from solar cooking), Dr. Lindgren (from infectious diseases class), Dr. Nguyen (Cancer) and Dr. Datwyler (botany). I thank you very much for all your help. Awesome professors.

Papai de formando!! HAHAHAHA muito boa!!

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