Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ahhhhh!!! Eu corri uma MARATONA!!! (San Francisco, CA)

A Golden Gate nao esta no mapa - Golden Gate was cut from this map

De 0 a 21 km em menos de 6 meses. No comeco do ano eu decidi que ia correr uma maratona ate o final do ano. No Domingo dia 3 de agosto eu corri a primeira metade da maratona de Sao Francisco, aqui na California. Nao foi facil. Nao foi dificil tambem. Apesar do curso ter varias ladeiras, pra Sao Francisco ate que nao tinham tantas assim na maratona (Imaginem correr em Perdizes, Sao Paulo? Sao Francisco eh mais ou menos assim). Eu ja tinha corrido mais que 21 km antes. Mas nunca tinha corrido morro acima! Eu vi no mapa que as subidas na maratona de SF sao mais ingrimes que as da Sao Silvestre (embora sejam mais curtas). Enfim... foi uma experiencia e tanto. Eu terminei a prova em 1:59:55. Minha colocacao foi 1572 de 6681 pessoas. Entre as mulheres eu fiquei em 513 de 3700.

From 0 to 13.1 in less than 6 months. In January I decided that I was going to run a marathon by the end of the year. On Sunday, August 3rd I ran the first half of the San Francisco marathon, in SF, California. It was not easy. It was not hard either. Although the course had some steep hills, it was not thaaaat bad considering it is San Francisco after all. I ran that distance before but never uphill. It was an amazing experience!!! I finished in 1:59:55. I placed 1572 out of 6681 people and among the women I was 513 from 3700.

Tudo comecou no Sabado. O Kuba e eu fomos pra Sao Francisco (mais ou menos 1h30min de Sacramento) de manha cedo porque eu tinha que pegar o meu numero, a camisa e eu queria assistir a umas palestras na Expo da maratona. O tempo tava lindo em SF nesse dia, nao tinha neblina!! Dava pra ver a Golden Gate de Berkeley!!! - Isso NUNCA acontece!

It all started on Saturday when Jakub and I drove from Sacramento to SF early in the morning. I really wanted to watch some seminars at the SF marathon Expo and I also had to get my shirt and my number. It was a beautiful day in SF. There was no fog!! I could even see Golden Gate from Berkeley!!! that NEVER happens!!!

Vista do centro de SF - View of downtown SF

A Bay Bridge
Na Expo da maratona
Na exposicao tinham varios estandes vendendo coisas pra correr (obviu!) e muitas barrinhas de granola, sucos, energeticos etc. Mas o meu estande favorito foi de uma loja chamada "One more mile" ("mais uma milha" = 1.6 km). Eles tinham umas camisetas muito legais. Essa foi uma das minhas prediletas "Unha do Pe eh pra mariquinhas" hahahah... So quem corre sabe o que eh ficar sem a unha do pe. A unha do meu dedao esta quebrada a seculos - e ta muito feia!! Alias... eu to com unha quebrada nos dois pes.

At the expo they had many booths selling running stuff (obviously!) and also lots of booths giving away smoothies, energy drinks, granola bars etc. My favorite one was "One More Mile" booth. They had the coolest t-shirts. "Toenails are for sissies" is one of my favorites. One a runner knows what is to have both big toe nails broken (and yes, they look really bad!).

Bart Yasso - o editor da revista Runner's World estava la e deu uma palestra muito muito boa sobre a vida dele de maratonista. O Bart eh super famoso aqui nos EUA e o cara eh muito gente fina e muito engracado. Eu acabei comprando o livro dele e ele assinou a capa.

Bart Yasso, the Chief running Officer of Runner's World magazine was there and he gave a seminar about his running career, the good, the bad and the iffy. Bart is very famous in the US and he was extremely nice and funny. I ended up buying his book and he signed it for me.

Eu tambem conheci o Dean Karnazes, "O homen Ultra-maratonista". O Dean eh um animal!! Por favor, nao deixem de olhar o site dele (em ingles). Ou entao clique aqui pra ler a entrevista dele na Folha. Dean correu 50 maratonas em 50 estados americanos em 50 dias consecutivos. Ele correu mais de 400 km SEM PARAR pra dormir... sozinho!!

I also got to meet Dean Karnazes, the "Ultra marathon man". Dean is an animal!! Please, take a look at his website and watch the interview with David Letterman. Dean ran 50 marathons in 50 different states in 50 consecutive days. In another event he ran 350 miles, NO SLEEP at all, by himself!!
Before I met him, I really wanted to be able to run like Lance Armstrong. Now I am a little confused on whom to use as my role model! hehe

Depois da expo nos andamos um pouco em SF e depois fomos pro "Pasta Feed". Antes da maratona geralmente tem uma "festinha" onde todo mundo que vai correr (ou que paga!) participa de um jantar com muito macarrao e outros carboidratos.

After the expo we hang out in SF and later went to the Pasta Feed. The day before the marathon there's usually a pasta feed dinner and all the runners show up (or at least the ones who pay for it) to eat lots of pasta and other carb-rich foods.

Eu dei muito azar!! A Maratona comecava as 5:30 da manha. O hotel onde ficamos ficava a uns 30 min de carro do lugar. Eu tive que acordar super cedo (as 3:30 da manha!) pra tomar cafe da manha e fazer a digestao antes da corrida. Porem.... No quarto do lado do nosso tinha uma "festinha" com umas 12 pessoas bebendo e falando muito alto (gritando!) e eu nao dormi a noite inteira. Quando tava na hora de levantar eu tava tao cansada que parecia um zombi. Essa foto foi tirada um pouco antes do comeco da maratona e eu juro que eu to com mais cara de cansada nessa foto do que nas fotos tiradas depois da maratona. hehehe

I was so unlucky! The marathon started at 5:30 am. The hotel was about 30 min away by car. I had to get up super early (3:30am) to be able to eat breakfast and digest it before the run. However.... There was a party next to our room. About 12 super guetto, super loud people! Drunk, yelling people! Obviously I could not sleep all night. By the time the alarm went off I was so tired I looked like a zombi. This picture was taken right before the start and I swear that I look waaaay more tired than in the pictures taken after the run. ehehe

Preparando pra largada - Preparing to start
19 mil pessoas se inscreveram pra correr um dos eventos da maratona: 5km, 21km-meia maratona (primeira metade e a segunda), 42 km-maratona interia, 42 km-"relay" (varias pessoas... como se fosse aquela prova do revezamento com o bastao. Uma pessoa corre um pouco, ai outra etc).

19 thousand people signed up to run one of the races: 5K, 13.1-half (first half and second half), 26.2-full or 26.2 relay (many people running...)

Tinham 8 largadas, 1 a cada 5 minutos. A primeira era so pra profissionais. O resto depende da sua velocidade. Quem achava que ia terminar a prova em ate 1h 40min saia na 2a largada. A terceira e a quarta eram pra pessoas que iam terminar em menos de 2 horas. Eu sai na quarta.. Era pra eu sair na terceira mas eu acabei saindo na quarta. Tinham duas pessoas de bicicleta na frente de cada largada...

There were 8 waves (or starts separated by 5 min). The first one was for professionals pretty much. The rest depended on how fast you thought you would finish. If under 1:40h, you were part of wave 2. The 3rd and 4th wave had people finishing within 2 hours. I was on the 4th wave. Before every wave there were two people on bikes to clear the path.

And at 5:45am Wave 4 started
Os primeiros 5 km nao sao dificeis. A rua eh plana e tinha bastante espaco pra correr.
The first 3 miles were pretty easy. The streets were flat and there was quite a lot of room to run.

Perto to Pier 39 - Near Pier 39

A cada milha (1.6 km = 1 milha) tinha um poster com uma foto de uma paisagem de SF.
Every mile there was a poster with a picture of some view of SF.
A famosa fabrica de chocolates Ghirardelli (lembra do chocolate de hortela verdinho?).
The famous chocolate factory Ghirardelli - runners lined-up.

A Golden Gate tava taaaaao longe...
Golden Gate was sooooo far away
Uma foto interessante que o Kuba tirou. Pena que ele cortou a minha cabeca! hahahah
An interesting picture Jake took. Too bad he cut my head off. heheh

Ai meu Deus!! Tinha um cara que correu a maratona toda com uma roupa de Gladiador romano (25 kg extras!). Olha so o meu sorriso quando eu levantei a cabeca e vi esse cara. hahah
Oh My God! There was a guy who ran the whole marathon with a Roman Gladiator "suit" (an extra 50 lbs!) Look at my smile when I looked up and saw this guy in front of me. hehe

Crissy field (um parque) - A golden Gate ainda ta muuuito longe! - Golden Gate still really far away.
Depois da pior subida da maratona (eu achei que ia vomitar!), estavamos chegando a Golden Gate.
After the worse hill of the marathon (I felt I was going to vomit!), we were close to the bridge.

Um sujeito muito interessante! hehehe
A really interesting guy..
Tinha gente entrando na ponte e tinha gente ja saindo da ponte.
Some runners were just entering the bridge and others were getting off already.

"Corredores na ponte" - "Runners on the bridge"
Infelizmente o Kuba nao pode me acompanhar na Golden Gate porque simplesmente nao tinha espaco. Eles fecharam 2 faixas pra gente mas mesmo assim ainda tava bem apertado.
Unfortunately Kuba could not bike next to me on Golden Gate. Simply because there was not enough space for him. They closed two lanes for us but it was still crowded.

E como ele tinha uns 30 minutos parado, ele tirou umas fotos da ponte. Da entrada da ponte ate a saida sao mais ou menos 7 km. Eu achei que ia ser dificil correr na ponte porque venta muito, eh muito frio e tem umas subidas... mas ate que nao foi tao dificil assim. Eu ja estava aquecida nessa hora e tava correndo bem.
Since he had about 30 min to kill, he took some pictures of the bridge. From the start to the end of the bridge there were almost 4 miles. I thought it was going to be really hard to run over the bridge because it is always so cold, windy and there is a little bit of an uphill. It was not that hard. I was warmed up and I was running pretty well.

E mais subida depois da ponte...
And more uphill after the bridge...

Os moradores de SF colocaram uns biscoitinhos pra gente.
The SF residents placed a little bowl of pretzels for us.

Quase na reta final... depois que eu vi que so faltavam mais 2 km eu sabia que ia terminar a prova.
Almost at the end. After I saw the 12 mile post I knew I was going to finish the race.

Infelizmente o Kuba me perdeu na linha de chegada! (mas acho que o fotografo oficial pegou e daqui a uns dias ele vai me mandar as fotos). Na chegada eles me deram a medalha e tambem me deram um tipo de plastico/aluminio pra me manter aquecida. E agua... e comida!!

Unfortunately Kuba missed me at the finish line. But I think the official photographer caught it (it will be a few more days before i get those). At the finish line they gave me a medal and a plastic/foil thing to keep me warm. And water! and food!!

Na largada eu deixei o meu casaco numa sacola com o meu nome e numero. Eles trouxeram pra linha de chegada.
At the start I left my jacket inside a plastic bag with my name and number. At the end they brought it over to us.

Uhhh.... de depois de pegar um onibus especial pra voltar pro lugar onde nos comecamos a prova eu tinha direito a receber uma massagem (e o cara era bonitinho! hehe).
uhhh... and after I caught the special bus that took us from the finish line to the start, I had a guy massage me (and he was kind of cute! hehe)


A linha de chegada da maratona (inteira = 42 km) ou da segunda metade.

Eu pensei muito em porque eu corri a maratona e nao cheguei a nenhuma conclusao. Mas eu aprendi muita coisa. 1) Voce tem que ter muuuuita forca de vontade pra levantar tao cedo pra correr 21 km! 2) Eu gosto de desafiar os meus limites. 3) Pra correr a maratona toda eu preciso treinar muuuito ainda, especialmente ladeiras. 4) Eh bom e ruim nao ter ninguem pra correr comigo. Bom porque eu posso correr na velocidade que eu quero. Ruim porque nao tem ninguem pra me dar forca. 5) Queria que os meus pais e meus irmaos estivessem em SF pra me ver correndo. 6) Eh normal ter que fazer um pitstop. heheh no meio da maratona eu tive que parar pra ir no banheiro porque eu bebi muita agua no inicio. 7) As barraquinhas com agua sao uma bencao de Deus! Mas infelizmente eu perdi pelo menos uns 30 segundos em cada barraquinha. 8) Mesmo correndo bem mais devagar na maratona do que eu corro geralmente, o meu resultado nao foi taaao ruim assim. Fica facil pra eu me superar na proxima vez. 9) Eh MUITO dificil passar e ser passada pelas mesmas pessoas em etapas diferentes na maratona. Eu sei que eu deveria competir so comigo mesma, mas eh muito dificil deixar as pessoas te ultrapassarem. E eh maravilhoso ultrapassar as pessoas que te passaram. 10) Nao eh tarde pra VOCE que esta lendo comecar a correr e treinar pra uma maratona. Eu vi uma velhinha de 81 anos que correu a maratona toda em 3h21min!!!! 11) O barulho que os pes tocando o chao quando ta todo mundo correndo eh simplesmente MARAVILHOSO!

I thought a lot about why I was running this marathon and I came up with no particular reason other than I like to challenge myself. And I never quit. But I learned a few things from this experience: 1) You have to have WILL POWER to get up so early to run so much. 2) I really enjoy challenging my body 3) Before I run a full marathon I still need to train quite a bit. Especially uphills! 4) It is good and bad to run alone. Good because I can run at my own pace. Bad because I don't have anyone to keep me motivated. 5) I really wish my parents and my brothers had been here to watch me cross the finish line. 6) It is normal to have a pitstop! I had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the run because I drank too much water. 7) the water stations are blessed by God! But unfortunately I lost about 30 seconds per stop to get water. 8) Even though I ran way slower than I usually do, my results were not that bad. It makes it easier for me to beat myself next time. 9) It is very DIFFICULT to be passed by the same people you passed a few miles ago. I know it is not about the competition at my level but it is tough to let people go by you. I felt like a looser! It is difficult to explain. And it is wonderful to pass people! 10) It is never to late to try! Even for YOU reading this right now. I saw this 81 year old lady who ran the whole thing in 3h21min! Beat that!! 11) The sound of so many feet running is AMAZING!!!

Queria agradecer a todo mundo que me apoiou e que torceu pra mim! Ehhhhh!!!!!! (Vai Rachel!!! Tem um velhinho na minha academia que sempre torceu pra mim, mas ele parou de me chamar de Nataly e agora so me chama de Rachel. E eu ainda nao falei pra ele que meu nome nao eh Rachel. Eu adotei esse nome como nome do meio. ahahaha) E pro Kuba que tirou todas as fotos e andou de bike quase o tempo inteiro do meu lado.

I also wanted to thank everyone who supported me and cheered me on! Uhhuuu!!! (Go Rachel! hahahah - There is an older guy at my gym - who always cheers me on - but who stopped calling me Nataly and started calling me Rachel a few months ago. I haven't told him my name is not Rachel. I just kind of adopted it as my middle name! hahaha). And to Jakub who took all the pictures and biked next to me almost the entire time.

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