Thursday, December 25, 2008

Familia do Kuba na California - Kuba's family

A mae do Kuba (Alicja - ou Ala) e a avo (Babcia Stasia) vieram visita-lo aqui em Sacramento no meio de Novembro...
Kuba's mom (Alicja or Ala) and his grandma (Babcia Stasia) came to visit him in Sacramento at the beginning of November...
Olha esse guardinha...

"The Family"

Babcia's Birthday - Aniversario da avo do KubaAlusia, Kuba, Babcia

In San Francisco...

O que esse cara ta fazendo na grama? Com certeza esse casamento foi muito chato!
What is this guy doing?? Obviously the wedding was very very boring!

Carmel - 17 mile drive

"The" Lone Cypress
Pebble Beach Golf course

A gente foi visitar o aquario em Monterey pela 2a vez esse ano. Esse peixe chamado "Sunfish" eh com certeza o meu favorito! Ele eh enorme e parece uma almofada!
We went to visit the Monterey Bay Aquarium for the 2nd time this year. This fish called Sunfish is by far my favorite! It's huge and it looks like a pillow!


Alberta and Ala
Leroy and Alusia

Ice cold beer, anyone? Cerveja geladinha?

Working from home - trabalhando em casa

O Kuba trabalha em casa 2 vezes por semana. Bem que eu queria tambem... heheh
Jakub works from home twice a week. I wish I could do that too... hehe

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Halloween 2008 - The Park Ultra lounge

Esse ano eu decidi me vestir de "menina Alema" com aquele vestido tradicional alemao (Mas... BEEEEM mais curto! heheh) e o Kuba quis ir de "White Gold" um personagem do comercial do leite ("Got milk?") aqui dos EUA. So que.. nao tem fantasia de White Gold pra comprar (White Gold quer dizer = ouro branco e esta se referindo ao leite de vaca). Nos compramos uma calca branca, uma camisa branca e isopor pra fazer a fantasia dele.. e tinta pra tecido.. Cor de ouro!! :)

This year I decided to go to Halloween party as a German beer girl - the traditional German dirndl (but waaaaaaaaay shorter). Jakub decided to dress up as "White Gold" from the white gold comercials (Got milk?). Except that... there are no White Gold costumes for sale. We bought white pants, white t-shirt and cardboard to make his costume. And of course.. gold fabric paint. :)

Eric (Nerd) and Elise (Little Red Riding Hood)Kuba

Lindsay, Me, Elise

Sebastian's face... :) I love it!
Lindsay, Sebastian, Me, Eric and Elise

Eu tive que tirar uma foto com o Tartaruga Ninja!! Eu era afim do Michelangelo quando eu era crianca! hahah
I had to take a picture with the Teenage Ninja Turtle! I had a crush on Michelangelo when I was a kid. hehe
Michael Phelps

Thunder Cat!!!
Sarah Palin and Sebastian (Austin Power)

The Fresh Prince of Bell Air crew

Edward - maos de tesoura - Scissor hands

Dumb and Dumber - Debi e Loide
Fabrizio had a great time...