Monday, March 26, 2007

Feather Falls video

Feather Falls, CA

Na quinta feira saiu uma reportagem no Sac Bee - o jornal local - sobre a Feather Falls, uma cachoeira de 200 metros de altura, a sexta maior dos EUA (se bem que algumas pessoas dizem que nao eh) que fica perto de Oroville, umas 2 horas e meia de carro de Sacramento. Ai no domingo a gente decidiu ir la ver essa tal de Feather Falls. A gente encontrou com o Bruno (um amigo de Niteroi) e a Alina (namorada dele da Republica Dominicana) na casa deles e fomos...

On Thursday there was an article on the Sac Bee - our local newspaper - about the Feather Falls, a 200 m high water fall (640ft), the sixth tallest in the USA (although some sources say it is not). It is located near Oroville, about 2 and a half hours from Sacramento. On Sunday we decided to check it out. We met Bruno ( a friend from Brazil) and Alina (his girlfriend from the Dominican Republic) at their house and we went...
Existem duas trilhas pra chegar na cachoeira. A longa - 7.3km de caminha, quase tudo ladeira a baixo. Bem facil. A curta 2.5 km de descida e 3.2km de subidinha.. facil tb.. Como a cachoeira fica no meio, pode-se ir numa trilha e voltar pela outra e foi isso que a gente fez. No jornal tava falando pra ir pela trilha curta e voltar pela longa mas depois de uma pesquisadinha na internet a gente deciciu ir pela longa e voltar pela curta. Foi BEM MELHOR!! Ou seja... 7.3km de descida ate chegar la e depois 3.2 km de mais descida e apenas 2.5 km de subida.
There are two trails to get to the waterfalls. The long one - 7.3 km of walking downhill most of the time. Easy. The short one - 2.5km of steep downhil and 3.2 km of easy uphill. Easy as well. Since the waterfall is right in the middle, we can go one way and come back the other way. On the newpaper they suggested taking the short way in and the longer way out. We found on the internet that taking the longer way in and the shorter way out was the best way. It was a LOT BETTER. Well... 7.3 km of downhill until we got there. Then 3.2km of more downhill and only 1.5 km of steep uphill.

Olhando a cachoeira do deck. Ahh e tambem tava na hora do almoco... hmm
Looking at the waterfall from the deck. Also LUNCH TIME!!

O esquilinho no topo da pedra

The little guy squirle at the top pf the rock

Eu, Alina e Bruno no deck
Bruno, Alina and me at the deck

Alina e eu sentadinhas no canto enquanto o Kuba e o Bruno andavam perigosamente perto demais da cachoeria.

Alina and I seated while Kuba and Bruno were walking dangerously close to the waterfall

Na cachoeira - olhando pra baixo...

Looking down from the waterfall...

Foto do deck visto da cachoeira. E o rio Feather

View of the deck from the waterfall. And Feather river in the background

E a gente foi la... And so we went there

Feather falls, CA

coming back...
voltando----- on the way back

Essas pedras tem uns buracos parecendo umas tijelas. Os nativos da area faziam essas "tijelas" como almofariz e pilao pra esmagar as folhas e umas sementes.
Those rocks have holes that are similar in shape to a bowl. The natives made those holes to use it like a mortar and pestle kind of thing to squeeze some leaves and nuts.

Na volta - um pouco menos que 6 km (~4 mi). Da cachoeira eram 3.5 km de descida e 2.5 km de subida pesada. A Alina ja tava muito cansada e ela tava se esforcando tanto!! Aeeee Alina ta quase chegando
On the way back - a little less than 6 km (~4 mi). From the waterfall it was 3.5 km of downhill and 2.5 km steep uphill. Alina was so tired at this point and she was really trying hard. Uhuuuuu Alina is almost here

60 dias... 60 days

60 dias... so faltam 60 dias pra eu me expulsarem do Sequoia Hall onde eu tenho praticamente morado nos ultimos 15 meses. No porao - onde nao tem janela!!

60 days... only 60 more days until they throw me out of Sequoia Hall where I basically have lived for my past 15 months or so. At the basemente - where no windows are allowed!

Pao de queijo

Pra quem mora fora do Brasil, nao eh todo dia que se acha pao de queijo pra comprar. Nao eh todo dia que se tem paciencia de fazer pao de queijo. Essa vai pra aqueles que fariam quase qualquer coisa por um paozinho de queijo quentinho! Hmmmmm
For those Brazilians to live outside of Brazil - it is not everyday that one can find "Cheesy bread" to purchase and it is not everyday someone feels like baking some. This goes to those who would do almost anything to have a warm fresh "Cheesy bread". Yummy!!

Ele voltou!!! He is back!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Pipe works - Aniversario

Feliz Aniversario pra mim!!!
Happy birthday to me!!

Aqui comecou a diversao. De presente o Jakub comprou um passe pro Pipeworks, um deposito aqui em Sacramento onde eles tem paredes pra escalada

Here is where the fun began. For my birthday Jakub bought a day pass for Pipeworks, a huge warehouse where they have rock climbing walls

O lugar eh enorme e quando vc vai la a primeira vez eles te ensinam como fazer o no e tudo mais. Tem pra todos os niveis e gostos.

The place is really large and when you go there for the first time they teach you how to tie the knot and everything. They have walls for all levels and tastes.

Kuba se preparando pra me dar suporte ------ Kuba preparing himself to hold me in case I fall

Aniversario - B-day

Essa semana foi meu aniversario. Ha 20 e poucos anos atras meus pais estavam correndo pro hospital porque eu nao parava de chutar.. hahah que coisa estranha pensar nisso agora. Esse ano a gente celebrou no Chilis e no Grand Bar em Sacramento, um barzinho minusculo de vinho.

This week we celebrated by birthday. 20 some years ago my parents were running to the hospital because I really needed to get out and I did not stop kicking. It is kind of funny to think about that right now. So this year we celebrated by going to Chili's and to Grand bar in Sacramento, a really really small bar where they serve only wine.
Mike and Yoli

So nos EUA - Only in the U.S.

So aqui nos EUA vc ve um carro desses no transito

Only in the U.S. you see people ridding a car like this

Bolo de casamento - The wedding cake

Alberta preparando o bolo de casamento de uma amiga dela... Ela comecou uma semana antes do casamento.. heheh
Alberta preparing a cake for her friend's wedding. She started decorating it one week before the wedding hehe

Kuba in Alpine Meadows, Lake Tahoe, CA