Sunday, March 11, 2007

Pipe works - Aniversario

Feliz Aniversario pra mim!!!
Happy birthday to me!!

Aqui comecou a diversao. De presente o Jakub comprou um passe pro Pipeworks, um deposito aqui em Sacramento onde eles tem paredes pra escalada

Here is where the fun began. For my birthday Jakub bought a day pass for Pipeworks, a huge warehouse where they have rock climbing walls

O lugar eh enorme e quando vc vai la a primeira vez eles te ensinam como fazer o no e tudo mais. Tem pra todos os niveis e gostos.

The place is really large and when you go there for the first time they teach you how to tie the knot and everything. They have walls for all levels and tastes.

Kuba se preparando pra me dar suporte ------ Kuba preparing himself to hold me in case I fall

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