Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Entrei o ano com o pé direito já que o esquerdo estava mancando!! Meu pé quebrado! Na verdade eu quebrei o osso da joanete no dia no ano novo! É mole?? Ainda bem que nao precisei engessar já que o Kuba vai chegar aqui em 2 semanas. Tomara que eu já esteja boa ate la!

I began 2006 with my right foot (In Brazil we believe that to step with the right foot first brings good luck) since I could not step with my left broken foot. In fact I broke the bone that sticks out to the side, like when a bunion forms. I talked to the doctor and I did not need a cast since it would be sort of useless for this type of fracture. This is good because Kuba will be arriving here soon and i hope to be good by then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooh. Sorry to hear about your foot. But I gotta admit that the pic of you and your injured tootsie is quite sexy. Pretty women with foot injuries really "intrigue" me. Share more pics if you can. Thanks.

-Kevin, a writer hacking away in Silicon Valley