Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Portland day 1

Widmer Brothers Brewery, Portland - Cervejaria

the true "beer tap" where they get samples before they finish the process


Portland day 2 - Mount Hood

Domingo fomos ate o Mount Hood, a montanha mais alta do estado de Oregon (3,426 m) a 80 km de Portland onde a Denise mora. Mount Hood eh um vulcao adormecido e os especialistas dizem que tem entre 3-7% de chance de entrar em erupcao... heheh

On Sunday we went to Mount Hood, the tallest mountain in the state of Oregon (11,239 feet --- 3426m) and about 50 miles from Portland where Denise lives. Mount hood is a volcano "asleep" and according to specialists it has between 3-7% chances of erupting (whatever that is supposed to mean)...
"Boring" eh o nome da cidade. Boring em ingles quer dizer "chato"
Oregon eh muito verde... tem muitas arvores la e como chove muito, eh verdinho o ano todo (Aqui na California nao chove no verao e tudo fica meio amarelado)
Evergreen Oregon
Hike to Tamanawas falls near Mount Hood
Caminhada ate a cachoeira de Tamanawas.

Jake and Leroy

Tem uma caverna atras da cachoeira e nos fomos ate la
There is a cave behind the waterfall where this picture was taken

Eu to beeeeem a direita da foto.. de rosa
Look, I am on the very right corner of the picture. Good thing I was wearing pink.

Mount Hood
Mount Jefferson from Mount Hood

Timberline lodge, built during the Great depression.
O Hotel Timberline foi construido na epoca da Recessao Americana
O hotel fica 'a 1,816 m do nivel do mar.
O topo do Mount hood eh de 3,426 m.
Do hotel ate o topo da montanha sao 5.76 km
Do hotel ate o Mount Jefferson (a foto de cima) sao 74 km
Em media o hotel fica coberto com mais de 7 metros de neve no inverno.

E no Mount Hood tem varias estacoes de esqui. Essa eh a do Timberline lodge. Nao dava pra acreditar que tinha tanta gente esquiando em pleno JUNHO! (verao aqui!). Os resorts de Mount Hood fecham beeeem mais tarde (quase no meio do verao) do que os outros resorts da America do Norte.

There are several ski resorts at Mount Hood. This is the Timberline lodge one. I just could not believe there were people skiing in the middle of June! (it's summer here!!!) The resorts at Mount Hood have the longest skiing season of North America (or at least they claim they do).
I offered money to borrow someone's equipment... did not work.
Tentei pegar a snowboard the alguem emprestado mas nao deu certo.

"Boring" e "Oregon city" sao cidades diferentes, mas se eu fosse traduzir o que esta escrito na placa seria: "Cidade chata de Oregon" heheh
Mark (filho da Denise - Denise's son)

Alberta and Leroy

Funny thing... Mark is touching my boobs! (or trying to). And he has the funniest grin on his face. Smart boy already!
Engracado... o Mark esta com a mao no meu peito! E ele ainda tem um sorrisinho malandro na cara. Ja esta muito espertinho...

Dog driver
Hopworks Urban Brewery - Portland (HUB) - Cervejaria em Portland
beer sampler...
O lugar era bem legal e era bem na frente do nosso hotel. O dono tinha uma loja de bicicletas e decidiu reciclar o quadro e fez "lampadas" de bicicleta.
The place was pretty cool and it was right in front of our hotel. The owner used to have a bike shop and he decided to recycle the frames and made them into lamps.

So restavam duas.. um cerveja muito escura e amarga. A outra cerveja com cafe espresso. Dificil de tomar, mas eu terminei. Unico problema.. a garconete levou a bandeijinha antes que eu terminasse e pudesse tirar uma foto dos copos vazios.
There were only two beers left. Really dark and really bitter. The other one had a shot of espresso on it. Tough to swallow and I did it. The only problem... the waitress took away my tray before I was able to take a picture of the empty cups.