Sunday, July 20, 2008

Lance Armstrong

Antigamente (mais ou menos em 1930) acreditava-se que era bom fumar um cigarrinho antes de subir um morro na Tour de France... inacreditavel, ne?

Back in the days (around 1930s) people believed it was good to smoke a cigarette right before going on an uphill at the Tour de France... unbelievable, right?Lance ja ganhou o Tour de France 7 vezes mas agora ele ja se aposentou (do ciclismo). O negocio dele eh correr maratonas agora. 6:21 a milha ou 2:46hrs a maratona (40km). Ahhh se eu pudesse correr como o Lance.. heheh

The 7 time Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong has retired from cycling but he has taken on another sport... He is a marathon runner 6:21/mile 2:46hrs.. If I could only run like Lance.. heheh OR be with Lance on a tandem bike... that would be AWESOME!

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