Thursday, October 5, 2006

Ultimamente eu estou sempre nessa posicao. Sentada, com livros na mesa, computador pra fazer um "resumo" da materia.. EU tenho estudado muito!!!!! Alias essa foto ta horrivel, mas da pra ver a olheira, da pra ver que eu to palida, com fome, com sede, cansada e de saco cheio. Ainda sim, estou sorrindo.. ----------------------------------------------- Lately I have been at this position quite often: sitting behing the computer, lights on, books on the table. I have been studying a lot! Although this picture is very ugly, you can see my tired eyes, my white face (I have not been able to enjoy the sun in a long time), you can tell I am hundry, thirsty, tired and bored. Yet, I am still smiling

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