Monday, June 26, 2006

Putz, que calor!!

43C em Sacramento... ninguem merece! Ontem nem o lago serviu pra dar uma refrescada. O Kuba reclamava que a agua estava muito quente! Eu reclamave que tinha muita gente na agua e nao dava nem pra nadar. Um sol quase insuportavel, banda mexicana, criancas correndo e gritando pra la e pra ca... Nossa... como eu queria estar em Pira curtindo a nossa praia vazia.. Saudades de casa!

43C in Sacramento (105F)! No one deserves that! Yesterday not even the lake was good enough to cool off. Kuba complained the entire time that the water was too hot (and no wind = no WINDSURF!). I was complaining that there were too many people in the water and that you could not even swim. We could not stay in the sun anymore, we could not take the Mexican band anymore or the kids running around and screaming. Gosh.. I wish I could go to Piratininga and enjoy our empty beach... I miss my home!

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