Saturday, March 11, 2006

O mais interessante dessa viagem pra San Jose foi que logo apos o jogo nos fomos pra casa onde ia ter a festa. A dona da casa tava la sozinha e ela precisava ir comprar cerveja entao ela colocou a gente pra fora da casa e foi no mercado! hehehe Nessa foto Sarah, eu, Lorae, Jen, Shauna e Kori sentadas no jardim da casa da garota esperando ela voltar! heheh ------------------------------------------------ The funniest thing about this trip to San Jose was that right after the game our team went to the house where the social was going to be. The owner of the house was there by herself and she needed to leave the house to go and buy beer. She kicked us out of the house and so in this picture Sarah, Me, Lorae, Jen, Shauna and Kori are sitting in front of the girl's house waiting for the beer!

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