Viagem de Sacramento a Sao Paulo. Fotos do aviao
Flight from Sacramento to Sao Paulo. Pictures from the Plane
Um tipo de plantacao muito interessante. Ja tinha visto antes, mas nunca tinha reparado que nessa parte do estado de Colorado tinham tantas. Eu acho que essa foto foi tirada perto da cidade de Mosca, no Colorado.
Very interesting farming. I am not sure what they planted. I had seen those circles before but I had never noticed how many of them there were together in this area. From Google Earth, I made an educated guess that this picture was taken while we were flying over Mosca, Colorado.
Voando sobre as montanhas Sierra Nevada na divisa da California com o estado de Nevada. Todos esses quadradinhos sao desmatamentos ou queimadas.. :(
Flying over the Sierras.. the little squares captured my attention to how much the Sierras have been burned out or cleared. Just sad...
Flying over the Sierras.. the little squares captured my attention to how much the Sierras have been burned out or cleared. Just sad...
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