No meu primeiro fim de semana em Sao Paulo eu fui no estadio do Morumbi! Queria conhecer o novo bar que tem la dentro e ver uma partida de futebol. Quando eu cheguei no Brasil, o Sao Paulo estava quase na zona de rebaixamento! Enquanto eu estava no Brasil, o Sao Paulo nao perdeu nenhuma partida e virou segundo no campeonato!!!
O Morumbi ja teve capacidade pra 120 mil pessoas mas hoje em dia a capacidade e de apenas 80 mil. O estadio vai passar por uma reforma para sediar a Copa do Mundo de 2014.
On my first weekend in Sao Paulo, I went to Morumbi Soccer Stadium, home of my soccer team Sao Paulo "Football" Club. I wanted to check out the new bar, inside the stadium and watch a soccer match. When I got to Brazil, Sao Paulo soccer team was one of the last team in the standings (and at the end of the championship if that is still the case, the team is "demoted" to the 2nd division of the championship - not at the main league!) - however, while I was in Brazil, the soccer team did not lose a single match and we became the 2nd best team in the championship!!!
Morumbi Stadium used to hold up to 120 ,000 people and now its capacity is only 80,000 people for safety reasons. The stadium is currently being remodeled in order to meet the FIFA requirements for the Soccer World Cup in 2014.
Cyro e Nataly
O Morumbi ja teve capacidade pra 120 mil pessoas mas hoje em dia a capacidade e de apenas 80 mil. O estadio vai passar por uma reforma para sediar a Copa do Mundo de 2014.
On my first weekend in Sao Paulo, I went to Morumbi Soccer Stadium, home of my soccer team Sao Paulo "Football" Club. I wanted to check out the new bar, inside the stadium and watch a soccer match. When I got to Brazil, Sao Paulo soccer team was one of the last team in the standings (and at the end of the championship if that is still the case, the team is "demoted" to the 2nd division of the championship - not at the main league!) - however, while I was in Brazil, the soccer team did not lose a single match and we became the 2nd best team in the championship!!!
Morumbi Stadium used to hold up to 120 ,000 people and now its capacity is only 80,000 people for safety reasons. The stadium is currently being remodeled in order to meet the FIFA requirements for the Soccer World Cup in 2014.
Estadio vazio no dia do jogo Sao Paulo vs. Santos (15 mil pagantes!) - um frio de matar, chovendo, ingresso a R$80 no setor azul (ainda bem que temos carteirinha de estudante) e o time na zona de rebaixamento!
The stadium was nearly empty on the day of the match Sao Paulo vs. Santos (only 15,000 people!) - it was very very cold, raining on and off, the team was almost last in the standings and the tickets were $40 on the blue sector (the best seats - however in Brazil if you are a student and have a college/high school ID, you only pay 50% of the price for almost all sport and cultural events. Even for Pizza!)
O Bar "Santo Paulo Bar" dentro do estadio do Morumbi - para assistir o jogo de la: R$300 com comida a vontade.
The bar "Santo Paulo Bar" inside the soccer stadium. To watch a soccer match from the bar, it will cost you $150 dollars.. They serve good food and you can eat as much as you want.
The bar "Santo Paulo Bar" inside the soccer stadium. To watch a soccer match from the bar, it will cost you $150 dollars.. They serve good food and you can eat as much as you want.
Achei interessante o sistema do bar. Em cada mesa tem um cartao amarelo e um vermelho. O Amarelo voce levanta quando quer atencao do garcom e o vermelho pra fechar a conta. Muito boa ideia!
I thought the way the bar was set up was very cool. Every table had a yellow and a red card. If you needed attention from the waiters, you had to hold up the yellow card. If you wanted to get your bill, you had to hold the red card. Such a good idea!
I thought the way the bar was set up was very cool. Every table had a yellow and a red card. If you needed attention from the waiters, you had to hold up the yellow card. If you wanted to get your bill, you had to hold the red card. Such a good idea!
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