Va pra la! Eu nao sei da onde saiu essa minha fascinacao por placas ultimamente.
Go that way - I am not sure where is my fascination with street signs coming from.
Serra do Parque Nacional do Itatiaia - a gente passa por la todas as vezes que vamos pro Rio e eu nunca tinha reparado o quao altas sao essas montanhas.
Tall mountains in Brazil - near Itatiaia National Park. We drive by everytime we go to Rio and I had never noticed how tall those mountains are.
Serra do Parque Nacional do Itatiaia - a gente passa por la todas as vezes que vamos pro Rio e eu nunca tinha reparado o quao altas sao essas montanhas.
Tall mountains in Brazil - near Itatiaia National Park. We drive by everytime we go to Rio and I had never noticed how tall those mountains are.
Attention: Wild Animals crossing - cute monkey!!
O hotel Quitandinha - hoje esse predio e um hotel/casa/teatro e centro cultural de Petropolis. Antigamente o Quitandinha era um casino. Com o nevoeiro, parece mal assombrado.
Hotel Quintandinha - This building is now a hotel/housing/theater in Petropolis where my grandma lives. It used to be a casino back in the days.. The fog makes it look spooky!
Essa e a casa de Santos Dumont - pai da aviacao. Reparem nos degraus da casa dele. O cara era muito superticioso. Tao superticioso que ele deu um jeito de fazer com que as pessoas so entrassem na casa dele com o pe direito - so dava pra subir a escada desse jeito!
This is the house of Santos Dumont - the first man to fly a true airplane (That's right Americans.. it was not the Wright Brothers as you might think! Read about Santos Dumont here). Take a look at his staircase. He had lots of superstitions and he designed his staircase in a way that one could only enter his house with the right foot.
Family at my Grandma's - Juliana (cousin), Grandma, my dad, my mom, aunt Vilma with the dog, aunt Dilma and Leila in black, Grandma Maria, my uncle and me.
Hotel Quintandinha - This building is now a hotel/housing/theater in Petropolis where my grandma lives. It used to be a casino back in the days.. The fog makes it look spooky!
Essa e a casa de Santos Dumont - pai da aviacao. Reparem nos degraus da casa dele. O cara era muito superticioso. Tao superticioso que ele deu um jeito de fazer com que as pessoas so entrassem na casa dele com o pe direito - so dava pra subir a escada desse jeito!
This is the house of Santos Dumont - the first man to fly a true airplane (That's right Americans.. it was not the Wright Brothers as you might think! Read about Santos Dumont here). Take a look at his staircase. He had lots of superstitions and he designed his staircase in a way that one could only enter his house with the right foot.
Family at my Grandma's - Juliana (cousin), Grandma, my dad, my mom, aunt Vilma with the dog, aunt Dilma and Leila in black, Grandma Maria, my uncle and me.
Juliana and I
We always have coffee and bread at my grandma's regardless of what time of the day that is.
A xicara da heranca - Minha avo tem um conjuntinho de xicaras da idade da pedra. Porem, essas xicaras tem a borda bem fininha, tao fina quanto a casca de um ovo. Minha mae e o meu tio "brigam" pra tomar cafe nessas xicaras. Eles tambem "brigam" pra ver quem vai ficar com essas xicaras quando a minha avo morrer.. hhahaha que horror.
Who's inheriting the coffee cups? - My grandma has 3 coffee cups that are very important to my uncle and to my mom. Those cups are very fragile - eggshell thin - and according to my mom, they make coffee taste even better! My mom and my uncle joke around and "fight" over the coffee cups. As they say, my grandma should write on her will who is getting the cups once she dies..
Who's inheriting the coffee cups? - My grandma has 3 coffee cups that are very important to my uncle and to my mom. Those cups are very fragile - eggshell thin - and according to my mom, they make coffee taste even better! My mom and my uncle joke around and "fight" over the coffee cups. As they say, my grandma should write on her will who is getting the cups once she dies..
Grandma Maria - "Vo Maria"
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