Segundo dia do Rugby
Na quinta-feira eu tive o segundo treino de rugby. Dessa vez foi bem diferente do primeiro porque a gente nao ficou fazendo exercicios do tipo "passar a bola". Dessa vez nos ensaiamos varias jogadas de ataque e defesa. O tecnico me colocou na posicao que os mais rapidos do time ficam... Logo eu ne que corro que nem uma tartaruga... As meninas que estavam no ataque viravam pra tras e falavam "Jogada 2 tesoura 4" ai as meninas iam passando de boca em boca ate chegar na ultima. E eu repetia tudo que elas falavam mas quem disse que eu entendia o que "JOgada 2 tesoura 4" queria dizer?? hahah eu me divirto. Muitas vezes estava no lugar errado, fiz impedimento, apanhei tambem.
O tecnico fez uma jogada em que assim que eu visse uma menina do ataque bater na bunda da outra eu tinha que correr o mais rapido possivel, pegar a bola e tentar passar pelo paredao das meninas do outro time. Pronto.. primeira vez eu nao consegui pegar a bola. Volta e faz de novo. Segunda vez: eu pego a bola e corro ai uma menina me pega e me derruba. Nessa hora o tecnico me ensinou qual eh o jeito "certo" de cair no chao. Eu tenho cair no chao olhando pro meu time e deixar a bola na minha frente, mas sem segurar.
Terceira vez: Eu corro, pego a bola e saio correndo pelo meio das meninas que estavam meio destraidas ate que uma brutamontes me agarra pelas pernas e me derruba. Uma outra menina pisou no meu braco com a chuteira e agora eu to com um roxinho que parecem 3 bolinhas (das travas da chuteira). Nessa hora a capita do time falou pras outras meninas pegarem leve porque eu era novata.. hahaha Na verdade nem doeu, acho que eu tava tao empolgada tentando aprender a jogar que nem senti nada, so vi o roxo quando cheguei em casa. Como diz o pai do Kuba, a pisada foi de leve porque no roxo nao da pra ver de que marca era a chuteira.. heheheheh. O resto do treino foi normal e no final nos tivemos que correr em volta do campo e depois fomos embora.

Second Day of Rugby
On Thursday I went to my second rugby practice. This time it was very different than the first time because we did not do any of those exercises such as "pass the ball". This time we were rehearsing some of the strategic plays of offense and deffence. The coach set me at the WINGER position - the one that runs the fastest - except that I am a turtle when I ran.. and I not very good at sprinting.. I am better at longer runs. Anyway... girls that were at the offense position would yell "Play 2 scissors 4" and all the other girls were yelling the same until the last girl on the team heard it. I repeated everything that they yelled but I had no clue what was going on. I had so much fun trying to figure it out! hehehe Lots of times I was in the wrong place, I made offsides and I also got beaten.
The coach taught me a play in which as soon as one of the girls touched the other girls' butt I was supposed to run as fast as I could and catch the ball and run thru the deffense team. First time: I did not catch the ball. Ok, go back and do it again. Second time: I catch the ball and this girl knocks me out. At this point the coach came and taught me the "right way to fall". I needed to fall facing my teammates, protect my head and let the ball go.
Third time: I run, catch the ball, run thru the deffense since some of the girls were distracted talking to each other. I ran until this "beast" grabs my legs and puts me on the floor. ANother girls stepped on my arm and now I have a bruise that looks like 3 dots. At this point the team capitan tells the girls to do "white play" because I was new and did not quite know what to do. To be honest with you it did not hurt and I only noticed I had a bruise when I got home. I was so concentrated in the play that i did not feel anything. As Kuba's dad says, it was just a "soft step" because by looking at the bruise I cannot tell what was the brand of the girls' cleats. heheh At the end of practice we ran around the field and sprinted a little.
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