Nos saimos pra comemorar o aniversario do Kuba no dia 15 (o aniversario dele eh dia 14 de outubro). Nos fomos num restaurante Marroquino, escolha da Aimee.. Primeiro nos nos sentimos muito sem graca porque tinha uma mulher fazendo a danca do ventre. Depois a moca foi embora e ai a gente jantou e comemos bolo aqui em casa. O Craig, pra variar, esqueceu o aniversario do Kuba! heheh . O presente dos Pfaffs pro Kuba foi uma caixa de papelao cheia de vinhos de marcas diferentes! heheh Ele ficou feliz...

On the 15th of October we went to a Moroccan restaurant to celebrate Kuba's birthday. The restaurant is Aimee's favorite. At first we were very uncomfortable because there was a woman doing the belly dance, but then she went away and everything has fina again. The food was really good. As usuall Craig forgot about Kuba's b-day this year!! hehehe The Pfaffs gave Kuba a box full of wine bottles from all kinds of brands. He was so happy

Cartoes de Aniversario do Kuba --------->
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