Faz bastante tempo que eu nao atualizo o meu blog, mas tres coisas importantes aconteceram essa semana. A primeira eh que o Kuba decidiu ir pro Brasil comigo no natal. Fiquei muito feliz com a decisao dele e ja compramos a passagem e tudo (dia 23/12 estaremos ai!!). A segunda eh que o Lucas, amigo de loooooooooonga data fez o primeiro teste dele pela F-1 nesse final de semana. Por mais que fosse uma coisa ja esperada, eu fiquei muito feliz e orgulhosa dele. A terceira e nao menos importante: Nos descobrimos um lugar Muito legal aqui pertinho de Sacramento para fazer windsurfe chamado Rancho Seco. O vento tava bom, a agua nao estava tao fria e o lugar eh bem legal!!!
Acho que eu nunca vi o Kuba tao feliz fazendo windsurfe antes, ele estava com um sorriso de orelha a orelha e nem saia da agua, so pra comer hehehe!! No comeco o vento estava fraquinho e eu aproveitei pra tomar um solzinho e ler o livro pra faculdade. (Nessa hora o Kuba vinda de vez em quando falar comigo)... Assim que o vento ficou mais forte ele sumiu... De vez em quando no horizonte dava pra ver o Kuba indo de um lado pro outro hehehe. Depois de um tempo eu resolvi entrar tambem e como ja nao tinha muito sol e o vento estava forte eu usei o "wetsuit"- uma roupa espec
ial pra agua gelada que SUPOSTAMENTE faz voce se sentir mais quentinha! O vento estava muito forte pra mim e eu caia toda hora. Enquanto isso o Kuba ia de um lado pro outro... heheh e com um sorrisao! Nos saimos la do Rancho Seco ja estava quase de noite e estavamos suuuuuuuper cansados.
------------------------ It has been a long time since I updated my blog. I haven't had that much time but since 3 really good things happened this week, I decided to give it a chance. The first: Kuba decided to go to Brazil for Christmas with me!! I was extremelly happy with that decision, and we already bought his ticket and everything. We will be there on the 23rd of December. Second: Lucas Di Grassi, a long time friend experienced a Formula One car for the first time this weekend. He "test-drove" F-1 Renault (same car as Fernando Alonso -the current Champion). I was really happy and proud of him for that. Go Lucas! Third: We found a really good spot for windsurfing close to Sacramento. The place is called Rancho Seco and is about 28 miles from our house. kuba had a blast, in fact I have never seen him so happy while windsurfing (and I was joking that he was not as happy even when I got back from Brazil). At the beggining the wind was not so strong so I sat down to read my book and tan a little while Kuba hit the water. He only cama back to the shore when he got hungry. At the end of the day, I hit the water as well (wearing a wetsuit. Although the water was not very cold, the wind was making me super cold!) but it was a little too windy for me and I kept falling the whole time. Kuba was really far in the horizon and once in a while I could see him flying across that lake. He was so happy! We came back to Sacramento it was almost dark. We were extremelly tired however happy. ;)
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