Eu nao posso reclamar do tempo nesse inverno Californiano. A temporada de esqui comecou devagar e quase nao tinha neve ate o natal, mas em Fevereiro e Marco nevou bastante e a neve estava absolutamente perfeita! Mais uma tempestade = eu e o Kuba esquiando. hehe
I cannot complain about the snow conditions this season. It was a slow start but by mid February there was tons of snow in the mountains. It was great. More storms = Kuba and I at the ski resort.
I cannot complain about the snow conditions this season. It was a slow start but by mid February there was tons of snow in the mountains. It was great. More storms = Kuba and I at the ski resort.
Acidente na estrada.. fechada por uma hora. Tem que ter muita vontade, viu?
Accidents on the road. Road closed for an hour. You have got to love it... seriously..
Accidents on the road. Road closed for an hour. You have got to love it... seriously..
Olhem essas arvores!! Os galhos estavam pesados com tanta neve.
Look at those trees!!! The branches were bending over because of the weight of the snow!
Look at those trees!!! The branches were bending over because of the weight of the snow!
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