Monday, July 28, 2008

Paul and Bill

No mes de julho nos recebemos dois estudantes de Taiwan aqui em casa: Bill e Paul (heheh.. logico que o nome deles eh em Chines mas os Americanos deram uns apelidos mais faceis heheh). Paul tem quase 15 anos e eh muito estudioso. Bill tem quase 14 anos e eh o capeta. Se deu muito bem com o Kuba.. hahah O Paul fala ingles melhor mas eh bem timido. O Bill nao tava nem ai pra nada.. Nessa foto, Paul e o Kuba jogando "golfe polones".

In July we hosted two exchange-students from Taiwan at our house: Bill and Paul (obviously their real names are in Chinese but the Americans gave them easier nicknames hehe). Paul is almost 15 and he is very shy. He studies a lot and his English is great. Bill is almost 14 and he was the bad boy... in a good way. He was not shy at all and spoke his mind everytime (again, in a good way). He loved Kuba. In this picture, Paul is playing "Polish golf" with Jakub.

Bill e Alberta
O Bill e o Paul tem uns habitos alimentares meio estranhos. Pao, manteiga e pimenta vermelha? Ta certo.... "Comer" uma mao cheia de pimentas vermelhas? hmmmm... nao sei nao. Misturar agua quente com suco de laranja? Nao desce... mas pipoca com panqueca? Nao sei nao..

Bill and Paul has quite the taste for "Western" food. Bread, butter and crushed spicy red pepper? Sure.... A handful of crushed red pepper? No sweat! Warm water and orange juice mixed together? A little weird... But popcorn and pancakes? hmmm... not so sure about that.


Melao, pipoca, banana, jeleia de morango... hmm.. bom, no final tudo vai parar no mesmo lugar ne?
Cantaloupe, popcorn, strawberry jam, syrup.. hmmm.. I guess at the end it goes all to the same place.

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