Monday, July 28, 2008

Frog Lake and Cache

Mais uma segunda-feira de folga... mais um dia com o Nick. Dessa vez nos fomos ate o Frog Lake (Lago do Sapo.. mas nao tinha nenhum) que fica perto de Kirkwood, perto de Tahoe. A gente fez uma caminhada de mais ou menos dois km na famosa "Pacific Crest Trail" (uma trilha que vai do Mexico ate o Canada) pra chegar no lago.

One more Monday off... one more day trip with Nick. This time we went to Frog Lake (although I did not see any frogs...), near Kirkwood, near Lake Tahoe. We hiked a little over a mile in the famous Pacific Crest Trail to get to this lake
A vista do Red Lake...

Nick and the Captain Morgan pose.

A gente tambem achou um geocache - faz parte de um "jogo". Alguem coloca um monte de coisas (Um lapis, caderno, agenda, pilha, band-aid, briquedinhos) dentro de uma caixinha e esconde a caixa no meio do mato. Ai essa pessoa vai no site e coloca as coordenadas do local da caixinha na internet. Uma pessoa com um aparelho de GPS digita as coordenadas da caixinha e tenta acha-la. A pessoa que acha escreve o nome e a data num bloquinho que fica dentro da caixinha. A pessoa pega algo da caixa e deixa algo na caixa. Enfim.... a gente nao tinha um aparelho GPS, mas o Nick lembrava que no ano passado ele tinha achado essa caixinha perto do lugar onde nos a achamos.

We also found a geocache. It is sort of like a game. Someone placed a few items in a military style box (a pencil, a notepad, a planner, some toys, band-aids etc), and then hides the box. Then this person goes on a website: and places the coordinates to the place where the box is located. A person that has a GPS system can then try to find the box based on the coordinates given at the website. Once you find it, you write your name and date on a little notepad that is inside the box. You can also take something from the box and leave something in the box. Anyway.... we did not have a GPS system but Nick remembered the location since he had been there and found the box exactly a year ago.

E quando eu vi o CACHE dentro da caixinha, foi amor a primeira vista...Eu tinha que leva-lo pra casa.. e agora ele eh o meu novo mascote.
And when I saw CACHE it was love at first sight. I knew I had to take him home. Now he is my new mascot! (Lorae, remember our Gnome? hahaha)


Mais um otimo dia no Rancho Seco..
Yet another great day at the lake....

Andy, Andy, Andy....

Sebastian, rock climbing???? WHAT?

Eu conheci o Sebastian a mais de 6 anos atras...
A gente nunca jogou nada juntos....
Do nada ele me liga numa SEXTA A NOITE pra me chamar pra ir escalar...
O QUE ACONTECEU????????? :)

I've known Sebastian for a little more than 6 years...
We've NEVER done anything "active/sporty" together...
Suddenly he invites me to go rock climbing... on a FRIDAY NIGHT! Seriously!!
WHAT HAPPENED?????????????? :)

Congrats Eric and Elise - a.k.a. ENKs

Congratulations to Eric and Elise on the purchase of their first house.

Taiwan Last day - Ultimo dia

O ultimo dia dos estudantes de Taiwan: Nataly, Alberta, Paul, Bill e Leroye o Kuba
Apresentacao de todos os estudantes (40 total)
Bill com o chapeu de queijo (Green Bay Packers)

Wright's Lake

Eu e o Nick fomos pra um lago chamado Wright's lake perto de Lake Tahoe. O Lago era pequeno e nao era muito fundo, mas mesmo assim foi bem legal. Muito melhor do que ficar em Sacramento com esse calor (ultimamente esta insuportavel).

Nick and I took a trip to Wright's lake near Tahoe. We went Kayaking there. Although the lake is small and shallow, it was very nice. Definitely better than staying in the Sacramento heat (which has been nearly unbearable).

Boliche - Taiwan

Bill, Nataly, Paul, Leroy
Bill, Paul, Alberta e KubaNot too bad for someone who just had hip replacement surgery :)

Rancho Seco lake/lago

Primeira vez que a Amanda foi pro Rancho Seco pra fazer windsurf (com a minha prancha).

Amanda's first time windsurfing (with my board)Marcin e Amanda
Great "delivery" service... heheh

Amanda e Marcin
Bill, Paul, Amanda e eu
Slawek, Amanda, Marcin, Nataly e Kuba.
Amanda nao faz windsurf (ainda) mas ela ta bem na foto.
Amanda does not windsurf (yet ;) ) but she looks really good in the picture.

Good picture
Paul e Bill tambem tentaram fazer windsurf.
Paul and Bill also tried windsurfing

Almost falling...... Quase caindo....

Paul and Bill

No mes de julho nos recebemos dois estudantes de Taiwan aqui em casa: Bill e Paul (heheh.. logico que o nome deles eh em Chines mas os Americanos deram uns apelidos mais faceis heheh). Paul tem quase 15 anos e eh muito estudioso. Bill tem quase 14 anos e eh o capeta. Se deu muito bem com o Kuba.. hahah O Paul fala ingles melhor mas eh bem timido. O Bill nao tava nem ai pra nada.. Nessa foto, Paul e o Kuba jogando "golfe polones".

In July we hosted two exchange-students from Taiwan at our house: Bill and Paul (obviously their real names are in Chinese but the Americans gave them easier nicknames hehe). Paul is almost 15 and he is very shy. He studies a lot and his English is great. Bill is almost 14 and he was the bad boy... in a good way. He was not shy at all and spoke his mind everytime (again, in a good way). He loved Kuba. In this picture, Paul is playing "Polish golf" with Jakub.

Bill e Alberta
O Bill e o Paul tem uns habitos alimentares meio estranhos. Pao, manteiga e pimenta vermelha? Ta certo.... "Comer" uma mao cheia de pimentas vermelhas? hmmmm... nao sei nao. Misturar agua quente com suco de laranja? Nao desce... mas pipoca com panqueca? Nao sei nao..

Bill and Paul has quite the taste for "Western" food. Bread, butter and crushed spicy red pepper? Sure.... A handful of crushed red pepper? No sweat! Warm water and orange juice mixed together? A little weird... But popcorn and pancakes? hmmm... not so sure about that.


Melao, pipoca, banana, jeleia de morango... hmm.. bom, no final tudo vai parar no mesmo lugar ne?
Cantaloupe, popcorn, strawberry jam, syrup.. hmmm.. I guess at the end it goes all to the same place.