Mais uma segunda-feira de folga... mais um dia com o Nick. Dessa vez nos fomos ate o Frog Lake (Lago do Sapo.. mas nao tinha nenhum) que fica perto de Kirkwood, perto de Tahoe. A gente fez uma caminhada de mais ou menos dois km na famosa "Pacific Crest Trail" (uma trilha que vai do Mexico ate o Canada) pra chegar no lago.
One more Monday off... one more day trip with Nick. This time we went to Frog Lake (although I did not see any frogs...), near Kirkwood, near Lake Tahoe. We hiked a little over a mile in the famous Pacific Crest Trail to get to this lake
One more Monday off... one more day trip with Nick. This time we went to Frog Lake (although I did not see any frogs...), near Kirkwood, near Lake Tahoe. We hiked a little over a mile in the famous Pacific Crest Trail to get to this lake
We also found a geocache. It is sort of like a game. Someone placed a few items in a military style box (a pencil, a notepad, a planner, some toys, band-aids etc), and then hides the box. Then this person goes on a website: and places the coordinates to the place where the box is located. A person that has a GPS system can then try to find the box based on the coordinates given at the website. Once you find it, you write your name and date on a little notepad that is inside the box. You can also take something from the box and leave something in the box. Anyway.... we did not have a GPS system but Nick remembered the location since he had been there and found the box exactly a year ago.
E quando eu vi o CACHE dentro da caixinha, foi amor a primeira vista...Eu tinha que leva-lo pra casa.. e agora ele eh o meu novo mascote.
And when I saw CACHE it was love at first sight. I knew I had to take him home. Now he is my new mascot! (Lorae, remember our Gnome? hahaha)
And when I saw CACHE it was love at first sight. I knew I had to take him home. Now he is my new mascot! (Lorae, remember our Gnome? hahaha)