O primeiro grande dia de neve na temporada a gente nao esquece. Essa semana caiu mais ou menos 1 metro de neve nas montanhas Sierra Nevada, onde ficam os resorts de esqui de Lake Tahoe. Fomos pro Sugar Bowl, um dos resorts mais fomosos e aproveitamos a neve fofa!
The first snowing day of the season we usually don't forget. But since the snow fall this season has been so slow in California, we will really remember the first week of snow. In the last couple days we were dumped with 3 feet (1 meter) of snow approximately. This week we went to Sugar Bowl, one of the famous ski resorts in the Lake Tahoe - Sierra Nevada Mountain range. We really enjoyed the fresh powder!
Me (Brazil) , Amanda (U.S.A), Marcin (Poland), Madchen (Holland) and Adam (Iran) at Sugar Bowl
The Palisades - double black diamond (when conditions permit, that is...)
Amanda and Marcin (we met those two on a windsurfing day at Lake Natoma)
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