A catedral de Salt Lake City
A piscina do hotel. Pena que nao podia mergulhar! hehehe
The hotel's swimming pool. Too bad diving was not allowed. hehe
A piscina do hotel. Pena que nao podia mergulhar! hehehe
The hotel's swimming pool. Too bad diving was not allowed. hehe
A Energy Solutions Arena - ginasio onde o time de basquete de Utah (o Utah "Jazz") joga.
The Energy Solutions Arena, home of Utah Jazz basketball team - used to be Delta Arena
Uma escultura do Dale Chihuly, artista americano que faz escultura com vidro, no Abravanel Hall (uma casa de shows e da orquestra sinfonica). Este lustre se chama "Torre Olimpica" e foi feito para as olimpiadas de inverno de Salt Lake City em 2002. A escultura foi feita com 1.190 pedacos de vidro e tem 10 metros de altura e 3 metros de diametro.
The Olympic tower, a glass sculpture by Dale Chihuly (American). It was made for the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. The sculpture is located inside the Abravanel Hall, home of the Utah symphonic. It has 1,190 pieces of glass and it is 10 meters high and has 3 m diameter.
The Olympic tower, a glass sculpture by Dale Chihuly (American). It was made for the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. The sculpture is located inside the Abravanel Hall, home of the Utah symphonic. It has 1,190 pieces of glass and it is 10 meters high and has 3 m diameter.
Kuba e o Templo Mormom em Salt Lake
Kuba and the Mormon Temple in the background
Kuba and the Mormon Temple in the background
O Templo Mormon. Todas as ruas de Salt Lake City fazem referencia ao local do templo. Os enderecos sao no estilo: "Numero 565 ao Leste e 200 ao sul do templo".
The Mormon Temple. All streets in Salt Lake City make reference to the temple square. Addresses are as such "200 East 400 South temple"
A Casa do Brigham Young, primeiro governador de Utah
Brigham Young's house, the first governor of Utah
A Oeste de Salt Lake City - os Salt Flats. Eram lagos a milhoes de anos atras. Hoje em dia sao vastos "campos" de sal...
Going back to Sacramento...
West of Salt Lake City - the Salt Flats. They used to be large lakes millions of years ago. Today they was large open "fields" of salt!
The state of Nevada and the state of Utah have lots of tall mountains. The scenery is weird in a way that you are driving thru the flats (at 1.200 meters high) and when you look to your side you see huge mountains on both sides, 3,000 - 3,500 meters high.
Reparem que estava ventando no topo da montanha. A neve em Utah eh tao leve (teor de agua - menos de 5%) que qualquer ventinho a neve parece areia.
Notice that it was windy at the top of the mountain. The snow in Utah is sooo light (less than 5% water content) that even light winds make it look like sand.
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