The state of Utah is proud to say they have the greatest snow on earth. Why? The snow over there only has 5% water content. This makes the snow light! If you get a hand full and blow on it, the snow flies... In Salt Lake City, the snow fall average is 13 METERS (500 inches!) every year! A lot more snow than other famous ski resort areas such as Aspen, Colorado (sorry... only 7 meters - 300 inches). If one was to knock on every door at the mountains of Salt Lake, you would find one professional skier within 4 houses, making Salt Lake area the place with the largest concentration of ski professionals in the world. Kuba and I were able to visit 2 resorts: Brighton - voted the best for snowboarders - and Snowbird, one of the best of the world.
Mapa do resort Brighton
Brighton fica a 2.600 metros de altura (a base) e o topo da montanha fica a 3.200 metros de altura. - Campos do Jordao, SP fica a 1.628 metros de altura.
Brighton resort is located at 2,600 meters of altitude (base - 8755 feet) and the top of the mountain is at 3,200 meters (10,500 feet). Szcyrk in Poland is at 1,275 meters.
Brighton fica a 2.600 metros de altura (a base) e o topo da montanha fica a 3.200 metros de altura. - Campos do Jordao, SP fica a 1.628 metros de altura.
Brighton resort is located at 2,600 meters of altitude (base - 8755 feet) and the top of the mountain is at 3,200 meters (10,500 feet). Szcyrk in Poland is at 1,275 meters.
Let's just say I was never that cold in my life! The day we went to visit Brighton resort, at the base of the mountain it was -20ºC!!! At the top, probably -25ºC!!
Click on the picture to make it bigger. Notice the ice on my scarf? On Kuba's? We put our scarves on our faces so that we would not get frost bite. The vapor of our breath became ice almost instantaneously! Imagine the cold?
E esse eh o mapa do Resort SNOWBIRD - Muito muito muito bom em termos de esqui! O resort eh enorme! Tem varios hoteis, uma vila muito bonitinha. Snowbird resort fica a 2.300 metros de altura (base), mas o topo da montanha fica a 3.300 metros. O resort tem 2500 acres em area "esquiavel" e 89 trilhas.
This is the map for Snowbird resort. Very very very good conditions for snowboarding and skiing. The resort is huge! It has tons of hotels, the village is very nice. Snowbird is at 2,300 meters of altitude (7,760 feet) and the top of the mountain is at 3,300 meters (11,000 feet). The resort has 2,500 acres of ski areas and 89 marked trails.
O Snowbird resort foi o primeiro resort nos EUA a ter um tunel de esqui. Voce entra pela montanha da frente (o topo da montanha mais alta do mapa de cima) e 200 metros depois voce esta do outro lado da montanha (mapa de baixo)
Snowbird was the first resort in North America to have a ski tunnel. You enter at the top of the highest mountain (on the map above) and 200 meters later you come out on the other side of the mountain (bottom map)

Snowbird was the first resort in North America to have a ski tunnel. You enter at the top of the highest mountain (on the map above) and 200 meters later you come out on the other side of the mountain (bottom map)