Monday, December 31, 2007

Ski Utah - The Greatest snow on earth! - A melhor neve do planeta!

Dizem que o Estado de Utah tem a melhor neve do planeta. Porque? A neve de la so tem 5% de agua. Isso faz a neve ser bem soltinha e leve. Se voce pegar um punhado e der um sopro a neve voa. Em Salt Lake City, em media, caem 13 METROS (500 polegadas) de neve por ano. Muito mais neve do que outras areas de resorts de esqui famosas como em Aspen (Colorado - 7 metros - 300 polegadas). Nas montanhas de Salt Lake, se voce fosse batendo de porta em porta, ia achar um esquiador profissional a cada 4 casas, fazendo de Salt Lake a cidade com mais profissionais do esporte do mundo. Eu e o Kuba tivemos a oportunidade de visitar 2 resorts: Brighton - foi votado o melhor resort da regiao para snowboard - e Snowbird, um dos melhores do mundo.

The state of Utah is proud to say they have the greatest snow on earth. Why? The snow over there only has 5% water content. This makes the snow light! If you get a hand full and blow on it, the snow flies... In Salt Lake City, the snow fall average is 13 METERS (500 inches!) every year! A lot more snow than other famous ski resort areas such as Aspen, Colorado (sorry... only 7 meters - 300 inches). If one was to knock on every door at the mountains of Salt Lake, you would find one professional skier within 4 houses, making Salt Lake area the place with the largest concentration of ski professionals in the world. Kuba and I were able to visit 2 resorts: Brighton - voted the best for snowboarders - and Snowbird, one of the best of the world.

Mapa do resort Brighton
Brighton fica a 2.600 metros de altura (a base) e o topo da montanha fica a 3.200 metros de altura. - Campos do Jordao, SP fica a 1.628 metros de altura.

Brighton resort is located at 2,600 meters of altitude (base - 8755 feet) and the top of the mountain is at 3,200 meters (10,500 feet). Szcyrk in Poland is at 1,275 meters.

A caminho do resort - 50 km ou 45 minutos de Salt Lake City.
Digamos que eu nunca tinha passado tanto frio na minha vida! No dia que fomos visitar o resort Brighton, na base da montanha faziam -20ºC!!! No topo deveria estar uns -25ºC!!

Let's just say I was never that cold in my life! The day we went to visit Brighton resort, at the base of the mountain it was -20ºC!!! At the top, probably -25ºC!!

Clique nessa foto pra aumenta-la! Repare no gelo no meu cachecol e no do Kuba. Para nao ficar com o rosto queimado de frio, colocamos o cachecol na cara cobrindo ate o nariz. O vapor da transpiracao batia no cachecol e virava gelo na hora!!! Imagina o frio?

Click on the picture to make it bigger. Notice the ice on my scarf? On Kuba's? We put our scarves on our faces so that we would not get frost bite. The vapor of our breath became ice almost instantaneously! Imagine the cold?

E esse eh o mapa do Resort SNOWBIRD - Muito muito muito bom em termos de esqui! O resort eh enorme! Tem varios hoteis, uma vila muito bonitinha. Snowbird resort fica a 2.300 metros de altura (base), mas o topo da montanha fica a 3.300 metros. O resort tem 2500 acres em area "esquiavel" e 89 trilhas.

This is the map for Snowbird resort. Very very very good conditions for snowboarding and skiing. The resort is huge! It has tons of hotels, the village is very nice. Snowbird is at 2,300 meters of altitude (7,760 feet) and the top of the mountain is at 3,300 meters (11,000 feet). The resort has 2,500 acres of ski areas and 89 marked trails. O Snowbird resort foi o primeiro resort nos EUA a ter um tunel de esqui. Voce entra pela montanha da frente (o topo da montanha mais alta do mapa de cima) e 200 metros depois voce esta do outro lado da montanha (mapa de baixo)

Snowbird was the first resort in North America to have a ski tunnel. You enter at the top of the highest mountain (on the map above) and 200 meters later you come out on the other side of the mountain (bottom map)

O outro lado da montanha no resort Snowbird . Infelizmente nao tiramos mais fotos la porque estava muito muito frio e nevando muito!

The other side of the mountain at Snowbird resort. Unfortunately we did not take more pictures because it was waaaay too cold and snowing a lot!

Salt Lake City - ultimo dia

A catedral de Salt Lake City
A piscina do hotel. Pena que nao podia mergulhar! hehehe
The hotel's swimming pool. Too bad diving was not allowed. hehe

A Avenida principal ---- the Main street

A Energy Solutions Arena - ginasio onde o time de basquete de Utah (o Utah "Jazz") joga.
The Energy Solutions Arena, home of Utah Jazz basketball team - used to be Delta Arena

Uma escultura do Dale Chihuly, artista americano que faz escultura com vidro, no Abravanel Hall (uma casa de shows e da orquestra sinfonica). Este lustre se chama "Torre Olimpica" e foi feito para as olimpiadas de inverno de Salt Lake City em 2002. A escultura foi feita com 1.190 pedacos de vidro e tem 10 metros de altura e 3 metros de diametro.

The Olympic tower, a glass sculpture by Dale Chihuly (American). It was made for the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. The sculpture is located inside the Abravanel Hall, home of the Utah symphonic. It has 1,190 pieces of glass and it is 10 meters high and has 3 m diameter.

Kuba e o Templo Mormom em Salt Lake
Kuba and the Mormon Temple in the background

O Templo Mormon. Todas as ruas de Salt Lake City fazem referencia ao local do templo. Os enderecos sao no estilo: "Numero 565 ao Leste e 200 ao sul do templo".

The Mormon Temple. All streets in Salt Lake City make reference to the temple square. Addresses are as such "200 East 400 South temple"

A Casa do Brigham Young, primeiro governador de Utah
Brigham Young's house, the first governor of Utah

Voltando pra Sacramento....
A Oeste de Salt Lake City - os Salt Flats. Eram lagos a milhoes de anos atras. Hoje em dia sao vastos "campos" de sal...

Going back to Sacramento...
West of Salt Lake City - the Salt Flats. They used to be large lakes millions of years ago. Today they was large open "fields" of salt!
O Estado de Nevada e o Estado de Utah tem muitas montanhas altas. A paisagem eh estranha pois o tempo todo estamos dirigindo pelo planalto (uns 1.200 metros de altura) e quando voce olha pro lado ve uma montanha enorme - entre 3.000 e 3.500 metros de altura cada uma.

The state of Nevada and the state of Utah have lots of tall mountains. The scenery is weird in a way that you are driving thru the flats (at 1.200 meters high) and when you look to your side you see huge mountains on both sides, 3,000 - 3,500 meters high.

Reparem que estava ventando no topo da montanha. A neve em Utah eh tao leve (teor de agua - menos de 5%) que qualquer ventinho a neve parece areia.

Notice that it was windy at the top of the mountain. The snow in Utah is sooo light (less than 5% water content) that even light winds make it look like sand.

Natal em Sacramento - Christmas in Sacramento

Preparativos pra festa de Natal na casa dos Pfaffs. Ja que a Alberta foi pra Wisconsin passar o natal e ano novo com a familia dela, eu, Kuba e LeRoy ficamos aqui preparando os doces pra festa de Natal "open house" que acontece na casa deles todos os anos na noite do dia 24.
Esse dia estavamos preparando as "Peanut butter balls" - bolinhas de manteiga de amendoim com coco e cobertas de chocolate.

Christmas preparation at the Pfaff's house. This year Alberta had to go to Wisconsin to spend Christmas and New Year's with her family (family emergency) and Kuba, LeRoy and I stayed here preparing the rest of the sweets and meats for the Christmas party that takes place every year at their house. We were preparing Peanut butter balls...

Todos os anos levamos um pratinho com doces para todos os vizinhos e amigos mais proximos da familia...

Every year we take a plate full of Christmas sweets to the neighbors and close friends.

LeRoy preparando o queijo para a festa.. Mas ele estava num mal humor... PUTZ!
LeRoy preparing the cheese tray for the party. But he had several mood swings - hence "the Grinch" - perfect description.
Baby Liliana

Elise e o Eric com o Kuba

Alex e Bella filhos da Diep - amiga da Alberta

A igreja St. Mary's - missa de meia noite.

Craig e a Aimee (esposa dele)

Friday, December 21, 2007

Sugar Bowl - ski resort!

O primeiro grande dia de neve na temporada a gente nao esquece. Essa semana caiu mais ou menos 1 metro de neve nas montanhas Sierra Nevada, onde ficam os resorts de esqui de Lake Tahoe. Fomos pro Sugar Bowl, um dos resorts mais fomosos e aproveitamos a neve fofa!

The first snowing day of the season we usually don't forget. But since the snow fall this season has been so slow in California, we will really remember the first week of snow. In the last couple days we were dumped with 3 feet (1 meter) of snow approximately. This week we went to Sugar Bowl, one of the famous ski resorts in the Lake Tahoe - Sierra Nevada Mountain range. We really enjoyed the fresh powder!Me (Brazil) , Amanda (U.S.A), Marcin (Poland), Madchen (Holland) and Adam (Iran) at Sugar Bowl

A minha foto predileta.. hehe -- My favorite picture of the day

Amanda and Marcin
As montanhas Palisades - Diamante negro duplo - o nivel mais dificil. Mas quase nunca esta aberto.. so quando cai muuuuuita neve!

The Palisades - double black diamond (when conditions permit, that is...)
Amanda and me

Amanda e o Marcin (aquele que conhecemos num dia de windsurf no Lake Natoma)
Amanda and Marcin (we met those two on a windsurfing day at Lake Natoma)