Saturday, December 31, 2005
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Aqui vai uma foto nerdinha!! hahahaha Meu professor de microbiologia que tirou. Meus colegas de laboratorio! A Sarah (segunda da esquerda pra direita) e a Jodie (a direita) sao minhas parceiras ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a nerdy picture! It was taken by my microbiology professor. Those people work eith me at the lab. Sarah (second from the left) and Jodie (on the very right) are my lab partners!
A gente foi na casa da minha amiga do Rugby Lorae' para fazer um "dia de acao de gracas" adiantado! Como muitas pessoas vao pras cidades delas no feriado, a gente decidiu se reunir antes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kuba and me went to celebrate "Advanced Thanksgiving" at Lorae's house (a friend from Rubgy). Since a lot of people go home for the holiday, we decided to get together couple days before and enjoy a nice dinner at her house
Comecando pelo Lucas.... Ele ganhou o GP de MACAU esse ano! Ficamos muito orgulhosos dele!! Parabens Lucas! E o mais engracado: Robert Kubica (Polones) ficou em segundo!! heheh-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting from Lucas... he won the GP of Macau this year! We were very proud of him. Congratulations Lucas!! The funniest thing is that Robert Kubica from Poland got second place.
Nossa, tem quase um mes que eu nao escrevo nada aqui. Final de semestre eh sempre assim, nao da tempo de fazer nada. Ja que vai demorar muito pra contar tudo o que aconteceu nesse ultimo mes, eu so vou colocar umas fotos! Pai, Mae, Cyro e Romulo, to com saudades!!! A gente vai se ver daqui a uns dias ja!
Wow! It has been a long time since i wrote something here. End of the semester is always like that, there is never time for anything. Since it would take forever to write down everything I am supposed to, I will just post some pictures. I will write again when I have some time. I really miss my mom and dad and my brothers: Cyro and Romulo. I an glad we will be together again in just a few days...
Wow! It has been a long time since i wrote something here. End of the semester is always like that, there is never time for anything. Since it would take forever to write down everything I am supposed to, I will just post some pictures. I will write again when I have some time. I really miss my mom and dad and my brothers: Cyro and Romulo. I an glad we will be together again in just a few days...
Friday, November 18, 2005
Essas sao fotos de San Diego onde na semana passada nos fomos jogar um campeonato de Rugby na universidade de San Diego. (UCSD) Nos eramos 32 meninas!! Imagina a bagunca ne?? Na minha van fomos em 10 e o motorista era um dos nossos tecnicos o Brad. Nessa foto camisa penduradas pra secar (de suor - secar pro proximo jogo)
Those are pictures from the trip to San Diego. Last weekend Sacramento State University Women's Rugby team went to San Diego to play a tournament at UCSD. We were 32 girls!! Can you imagine what a mess it was?? There were 10 girls in my van and also one of our coaches who drove us there. In this picture: Your jerseys drying out (from sweat!! for the next game)
Those are pictures from the trip to San Diego. Last weekend Sacramento State University Women's Rugby team went to San Diego to play a tournament at UCSD. We were 32 girls!! Can you imagine what a mess it was?? There were 10 girls in my van and also one of our coaches who drove us there. In this picture: Your jerseys drying out (from sweat!! for the next game)
Depois dos jogos sempre tem uma festinha pras jogadoras. O time da casa organiza a festa e faz uma janta (na verdade uns petiscos). Chamamos essas festas de "social". No social os times apresentam as jogadoras novas, fazer suas tradicoes, cantam musicas e trocam ideia com outras jogadoras das outras universidades. Temos que ter cuidado no entanto... Pensava eu, que estava fazendo varias amizades com as meninas de outros time... Segundo a Lorae elas so queriam "sair pra namorar". Mais da metade das meninas no Rugby sao lesbicas... Na foto: Meninas do nosso time no social em San Diego
There is always a little party after the games. The team hosting the tournament feeds the other teams. We call this party a "social". At the social teams introduce their new players, their traditions, sing Rugby songs and talk to players from other teams. We must be careful though. I thought that I was making lots of friends at the social but according to Lorae (our capitan), the girls wanted to got out "to date". More than half of the Rugby girls are lesbians.... In this picture: Girls from our team at the social in San Diego
There is always a little party after the games. The team hosting the tournament feeds the other teams. We call this party a "social". At the social teams introduce their new players, their traditions, sing Rugby songs and talk to players from other teams. We must be careful though. I thought that I was making lots of friends at the social but according to Lorae (our capitan), the girls wanted to got out "to date". More than half of the Rugby girls are lesbians.... In this picture: Girls from our team at the social in San Diego
Todo time de Rugby tem suas tradicoes... No nosso time, toda jogadora que marca pontos pela primeira vez (como se fosse um Gol, mas nao tem nada a ve com futebol), essa jogadora tem que beber cerveja. A cerveja eh colocada na chuteira da menina que tem o maior pe do time (e geralmente o mais fedido). A Capita pede a chuteira emprestada - da Georgie - e enche de cerveja ate nao caber mais. Ai as meninas que marcaram pontos pela primeira vez bebem. AInda sim, colocamos um copo debaixo da boca da menina caso ela derrame um pouco de cerveja. A menina tem que beber a chuteira inteira e o copo tambem. Enquanto isso o resto do time canta pra ela. Chamamos essa ceremonia de "dose de chuteira" (Dose como se fosse uma dose de cachaca). A menina que bebe eh chamada de "bebedora de chuteiras". Nessa foto, a Lisa ta mandando a ver... Eu nao sei se eu quero marcar pontos tao cedo!! hahaha
Every Rugby team has some traditions... Our team makes the players who scored points for the first time drink beer. The captain put beer on somebody's boots (usually the girl who has the biggest and the smelliest boots) until it is all the way full. Georgie let us use her boots. The girls then drink all the beer while the rest of the team sings for her. In this picture Lisa is doing the "Boot shot". The girl has to drink all the beer at once. A cup is placed below her mouth in case she spills beer. They need to drink whatever fell in the cup too. I am not sure if I really want to score!
Every Rugby team has some traditions... Our team makes the players who scored points for the first time drink beer. The captain put beer on somebody's boots (usually the girl who has the biggest and the smelliest boots) until it is all the way full. Georgie let us use her boots. The girls then drink all the beer while the rest of the team sings for her. In this picture Lisa is doing the "Boot shot". The girl has to drink all the beer at once. A cup is placed below her mouth in case she spills beer. They need to drink whatever fell in the cup too. I am not sure if I really want to score!
A univerisdade de San DIego tem como tradicao fazer as meninas que marcaram pontos pela primeira vez se vestirem como prostitutas e cantar uma musica que elas fizeram... Em Rugby them uma posicao que eh chamada de "HOOKER" em ingles e isso quer dizer prostituta.
The University of San Diego makes their players who scored points for the first time to dress as as prostitutes and sing a song that they made. In Rugby there is a position called "HOOKER"
The University of San Diego makes their players who scored points for the first time to dress as as prostitutes and sing a song that they made. In Rugby there is a position called "HOOKER"
Tuesday, November 8, 2005
A Neta/ Minha sobrinha - The granddaughter/ My niece
Gaya - cachorrinha do Romulo na minha casa... EM SAO PAULO! NO APARTAMENTO!! Meus pais endoidaram mesmo. E eu que pensava que meus pais se mudariam de casa antes que isso acontecece. Que nada! Olha ai o papai e reparem o sorriso!!!
Gaya - Romulo's (my brother) new dog at my house. In SAO PAULO... inside the APARTMENT!! This is something that was not even mentioned couple years ago. No dogs were allowed in our apartment, NO exceptions! Wow... but look at that now. My parents must have went crazy. Check out my dad's smily face!
Novo jogador de Futebol - New soccer player
Quando eu conheci o Kuba, ele nao gostava de futebol. Ele nao gostava muito de jogar e muito menos de assistir. Com os anos passando ele comecou a gostar mais (afinal todo Brasileiro TEM que gostar de futebol). Ano passado ele assistiu a Eurocopa comigo na Polonia e torcia ate. Assistiu Copa America tambem e esse ano assistiu aos jogos do Brasil que passaram aqui. Enfim... semana passada o Kuba decidiu juntar-se ao time de futebol da HP onde ele trabalha. Eles jogam 3 vezes por semana na hora do almoco. Semana passada o Kuba comprou chuteira, caneleira, meias e tudo mais... Depois dizem que as pessoas nao mudam.... hehehe
When I met Kuba he did not like soccer. He did not really like playing and watching a soccer match could not be more tedious to him. As the years went by he started liking it a little more (every "Brazilian wanna be" MUST like soccer). Last year he watched the EuroCUP with me in Poland and also South American Cup. He even cheered! This year he watched some of the Brazilian games with me. It was a great surprise to me when Kuba decided to join the soccer team at HP where he works. They play 3 times a week during lunch time. Last week he bought soccer cleats, socks and everything...
Preparativos pra festa de Halloween: eu vestida de "Boneca" e o Kuba de "Dracula" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kuba and I dressed to go to the Halloween Party. I went as a "Doll" and Kuba as "Dracula"
No dia 29/10 nos fomos numa festa de Halloween com nosso amigo Sebastian (italiano). Primeiro recebemos informacoes de que alguns Brasileiros iriam estar presentes mas quando chegamos la, a festa era so de Brasileiros. Por acaso eu conhecia muitos deles pois eram amigos do Romulo. A festa estava legalzinha, o pessoal era animado. Puxaram um pandeiro, um bumbo, cavaquinho e cantaram samba e pagode ate nao poder mais.
On the 29th of October Kuba and I went to a Halloween Party with our friend Sebastian (Italian). At first he told us some Brazilians would be there but when we get there everybody is from Brazil. I already knew a lot of them because they were friends of Romulo (my brother). The party was okay, people were happy and they played Brazilian music almost the entire time.
Saturday, November 5, 2005
Eu nunca consigo escrever tudo que eu quero. Ultimamente parece que os dias estao mais curtos porque eu nunca tenho tempo pra nada.
Bom vamos comecar com o Rugby entao. Semana passada foi a minha segubnda semana e com certeza foi bem melhor que a primeira. Agora eu ja entendo o que "jogada 2 tesoura 4" quer dizer e eu faco parte de 2 jogadas ja. Como a California esta no horario normal agora (estamos no horario de verao ate semana passada) , escurece mais cedo o nosso treino acaba por volta de 5:30 da tarde. E depois vem a corrida.. heheh Depois dos treinos nos corremos em grupo. Na quinta eu recebi as minhas meias (parte do uniforme), um protetor de dentes e uma caneca pra as cervejadas. Sabado tem treino de novo mas acho que nao vai dar pra eu ir... enfim, ja me sinto parte do time!
I can never write everything I want. Lately it seems to me like the days are shorter because I never have time to do everything I want.
Anyway... Rugby - Last week was my second week and for sure I was much better than the first week. I am slowing starting to understand the rules. Now I know what "play 2 scissor 4" means and I am part of two strategic plays. Since California changed time to the regular time (we were on Summer time until last week), it gets dark around 5:30pm and we stop playing and go jogging around the field as a group. Last week I received my team socks, protection for my teeth and also a beer mug. Saturday we have practice again but I am afraid I will not make it. Anywa... I already feel like I am part of the team.
Monday, October 31, 2005
RUGBY - Segundo dia / Second Day
Segundo dia do Rugby
Na quinta-feira eu tive o segundo treino de rugby. Dessa vez foi bem diferente do primeiro porque a gente nao ficou fazendo exercicios do tipo "passar a bola". Dessa vez nos ensaiamos varias jogadas de ataque e defesa. O tecnico me colocou na posicao que os mais rapidos do time ficam... Logo eu ne que corro que nem uma tartaruga... As meninas que estavam no ataque viravam pra tras e falavam "Jogada 2 tesoura 4" ai as meninas iam passando de boca em boca ate chegar na ultima. E eu repetia tudo que elas falavam mas quem disse que eu entendia o que "JOgada 2 tesoura 4" queria dizer?? hahah eu me divirto. Muitas vezes estava no lugar errado, fiz impedimento, apanhei tambem.
O tecnico fez uma jogada em que assim que eu visse uma menina do ataque bater na bunda da outra eu tinha que correr o mais rapido possivel, pegar a bola e tentar passar pelo paredao das meninas do outro time. Pronto.. primeira vez eu nao consegui pegar a bola. Volta e faz de novo. Segunda vez: eu pego a bola e corro ai uma menina me pega e me derruba. Nessa hora o tecnico me ensinou qual eh o jeito "certo" de cair no chao. Eu tenho cair no chao olhando pro meu time e deixar a bola na minha frente, mas sem segurar.
Terceira vez: Eu corro, pego a bola e saio correndo pelo meio das meninas que estavam meio destraidas ate que uma brutamontes me agarra pelas pernas e me derruba. Uma outra menina pisou no meu braco com a chuteira e agora eu to com um roxinho que parecem 3 bolinhas (das travas da chuteira). Nessa hora a capita do time falou pras outras meninas pegarem leve porque eu era novata.. hahaha Na verdade nem doeu, acho que eu tava tao empolgada tentando aprender a jogar que nem senti nada, so vi o roxo quando cheguei em casa. Como diz o pai do Kuba, a pisada foi de leve porque no roxo nao da pra ver de que marca era a chuteira.. heheheheh. O resto do treino foi normal e no final nos tivemos que correr em volta do campo e depois fomos embora.
Second Day of Rugby
On Thursday I went to my second rugby practice. This time it was very different than the first time because we did not do any of those exercises such as "pass the ball". This time we were rehearsing some of the strategic plays of offense and deffence. The coach set me at the WINGER position - the one that runs the fastest - except that I am a turtle when I ran.. and I not very good at sprinting.. I am better at longer runs. Anyway... girls that were at the offense position would yell "Play 2 scissors 4" and all the other girls were yelling the same until the last girl on the team heard it. I repeated everything that they yelled but I had no clue what was going on. I had so much fun trying to figure it out! hehehe Lots of times I was in the wrong place, I made offsides and I also got beaten.
The coach taught me a play in which as soon as one of the girls touched the other girls' butt I was supposed to run as fast as I could and catch the ball and run thru the deffense team. First time: I did not catch the ball. Ok, go back and do it again. Second time: I catch the ball and this girl knocks me out. At this point the coach came and taught me the "right way to fall". I needed to fall facing my teammates, protect my head and let the ball go.
Third time: I run, catch the ball, run thru the deffense since some of the girls were distracted talking to each other. I ran until this "beast" grabs my legs and puts me on the floor. ANother girls stepped on my arm and now I have a bruise that looks like 3 dots. At this point the team capitan tells the girls to do "white play" because I was new and did not quite know what to do. To be honest with you it did not hurt and I only noticed I had a bruise when I got home. I was so concentrated in the play that i did not feel anything. As Kuba's dad says, it was just a "soft step" because by looking at the bruise I cannot tell what was the brand of the girls' cleats. heheh At the end of practice we ran around the field and sprinted a little.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Relogios - Clock
O que aconteceu com os meus relogios que ficavam aqui ao lado direito do Blog???
What happened to the watches that used to be on the right-hand side of the blog??
What happened to the watches that used to be on the right-hand side of the blog??
Rugby - Dia/Day 1
Quem ve essa foto acha que essas pernas ai jogam futebol... Errado! Essas pernas jogam RUGBY.
Ontem eu decidi participar do treino feminino de rugby. Estava na duvida se deveria participar do treino ou participar de uma organizacao que faz trabalhos voluntarios. Bom, rugby ganhou... porque? Nem eu sei. Nao sei absolutamente nada sobre rugby, so sei que eh um esporte famoso no Reino Unido, na Australia, na Irlanda e no Canada. Ahh.. e um amigo meu, o Felipe Godoy joga no time de rugby da USP. Mas com o que o rugby se parece? Eh jogado num campo parecido com o campo de futebol, mas eh meio violento (tanto eh que os jogadores usam uma protecao pros dentes que nem os boxeadores). Parece um pouco com handball porque se passa a bola ate fazer o gol, mas tambem eh meio futebol americano com a excessao de que quando a bola caiu no chao o jogo nao para. Ja ouvi gente dizendo que eh que nem basquete porque os jogadores tem que se movimentar bastante mesmo sem ter a bola... Caramba, o que eh o rugby?? Ha uma grande controversia sobre a historia do rugby. Diz a lenda que William Webb Ellis, um estudante de Londres, estava jogando futebol em uma escola publica de Londres chamada Rugby 1823. Esse cara era muito ruim das pernas e ficou irritado com o jogo de futebol, e teria agarrado a bola nos braços e corrido no campo provocando a ira de seus colegas, que tentavam pará-lo agarrando-o de qualquer maneira. Assim, inconscientemente, o rapaz teria inventado o jogo de rugby. Depois comecou a ser jogado em outras escolas ate chegar na Universidade de Cambridge onde em 1872 eles formaram o primeiro Clube de Rubgy.
Eu nao sabia de nada disso ontem quando eu fui ao treino, mas eu fiz a minha "licao de casa" pra aprender um pouco sobre o jogo (pelo menos as regras basicas e o nome das posicoes). Assim que eu entender mais sobre o jogo eu explico mais... hehehe
<----Time feminino de Rugby da Sacramento State University
Ontem as meninas foram super legais comigo. A capita do time esta na minha sala de microbiologia e ela parece ser bem legal. Todas se apresentaram e tentanvam me explicar o que eu tinha que fazer. Eles me colocaram na defesa - onde as meninas mais magrinhas ficam - em vez do ataque - onde as gordinhas e fortes ficam... e apanham mais tambem. Dei muitos passes ruins, alguns bons e pouquissimos otimos, mas como o tecnico disse: pra quem nunca jogou e nao sabe nada sobre o jogo, eu me sai muito bem. Quinta feira vai ter outro treino... O Kuba foi assistir o treino ontem mas ele ficou escondido, eu nem sabia que ele tava la ate o final... heheheh
OBS: fotos: As pernas, Bola (parece uma "bola" ou mais parecida com um ovo.. tipo de futebol Americano porem mais leve e maior). O campo e o time feminino
------------------------- ENGLISH --------------------------------ate University
If you look at the first photo, you would think that those legs play soccer... WRONG! Those legs play Rugby.
Yesterday I decided to join the University's Rugby team. I was not sure if I wanted to participate in the rugby practice or participate at an organization that does volunteering work. Rugby won... Why? I am not even sure. I know absolutely nothing about rugby. All I know is that it is a very popular sport in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia and Canada. I also have a friend, Felipe Godoy, who plays for the University of Sao Paulo team. But what does rugby resemble? It is played in a field similar to a soccer field, however it is quite violent (the players even have to use a mouth piece similar to the one used by boxers). It is similar to handball in the way that you have to pass the ball along until you reach the goal. It also seems like it is American football with the exception that if the ball touches the ground, the play does not stop. I also heard people say that it is like basketball in the way that the players continuously move although they don't have the ball. WOW! What is rugby like?? The legend says that rugby was "invented" in Englang by a student called William Webb Ellis at a English Public School, in Rugby, London in 1823. During an inter-class soccer game, William, which was really bad a soccer got frustrated by not being able to kick the ball and grabed the ball and ran as fast as he could while his teammates were trying to catch him on the field. His teammates were very mad.
Other schools started playing the same game and in 1872 the University of Cambridge established the first "Rugby club".
I did not know any of that yesterday when I went to practice. I did my "homework" today and now I know the very basics of the game. As soon as I understand more about it, I will try to explain it.
But anyway... Yesterday the girls were very nice to me. The introduced themselves. The team capitan is in my Microbiology class and she seems very nice. All the girls gave me tips on how to play and what to do (which was nice of them). They placed me on deffense - where the smaller, thinner girls play - rather than offense - where the bigger and stronger girls play. I gave lots of bad passes... some good ones and few really good. The coach said that for someone who has never played or watched it before I was very good. On Thursday we will have another practice. Kuba went to watch the practice yesterday but he was hiding so that I could not see him and get distracted.
pictures: rugby legs, rugby ball (similar to American football ball but bigger), field and Sacramento State Rugby team.
Ontem eu decidi participar do treino feminino de rugby. Estava na duvida se deveria participar do treino ou participar de uma organizacao que faz trabalhos voluntarios. Bom, rugby ganhou... porque? Nem eu sei. Nao sei absolutamente nada sobre rugby, so sei que eh um esporte famoso no Reino Unido, na Australia, na Irlanda e no Canada. Ahh.. e um amigo meu, o Felipe Godoy joga no time de rugby da USP. Mas com o que o rugby se parece? Eh jogado num campo parecido com o campo de futebol, mas eh meio violento (tanto eh que os jogadores usam uma protecao pros dentes que nem os boxeadores). Parece um pouco com handball porque se passa a bola ate fazer o gol, mas tambem eh meio futebol americano com a excessao de que quando a bola caiu no chao o jogo nao para. Ja ouvi gente dizendo que eh que nem basquete porque os jogadores tem que se movimentar bastante mesmo sem ter a bola... Caramba, o que eh o rugby?? Ha uma grande controversia sobre a historia do rugby. Diz a lenda que William Webb Ellis, um estudante de Londres, estava jogando futebol em uma escola publica de Londres chamada Rugby 1823. Esse cara era muito ruim das pernas e ficou irritado com o jogo de futebol, e teria agarrado a bola nos braços e corrido no campo provocando a ira de seus colegas, que tentavam pará-lo agarrando-o de qualquer maneira. Assim, inconscientemente, o rapaz teria inventado o jogo de rugby. Depois comecou a ser jogado em outras escolas ate chegar na Universidade de Cambridge onde em 1872 eles formaram o primeiro Clube de Rubgy.
Eu nao sabia de nada disso ontem quando eu fui ao treino, mas eu fiz a minha "licao de casa" pra aprender um pouco sobre o jogo (pelo menos as regras basicas e o nome das posicoes). Assim que eu entender mais sobre o jogo eu explico mais... hehehe
<----Time feminino de Rugby da Sacramento State University
Ontem as meninas foram super legais comigo. A capita do time esta na minha sala de microbiologia e ela parece ser bem legal. Todas se apresentaram e tentanvam me explicar o que eu tinha que fazer. Eles me colocaram na defesa - onde as meninas mais magrinhas ficam - em vez do ataque - onde as gordinhas e fortes ficam... e apanham mais tambem. Dei muitos passes ruins, alguns bons e pouquissimos otimos, mas como o tecnico disse: pra quem nunca jogou e nao sabe nada sobre o jogo, eu me sai muito bem. Quinta feira vai ter outro treino... O Kuba foi assistir o treino ontem mas ele ficou escondido, eu nem sabia que ele tava la ate o final... heheheh
OBS: fotos: As pernas, Bola (parece uma "bola" ou mais parecida com um ovo.. tipo de futebol Americano porem mais leve e maior). O campo e o time feminino
------------------------- ENGLISH --------------------------------ate University
If you look at the first photo, you would think that those legs play soccer... WRONG! Those legs play Rugby.
Yesterday I decided to join the University's Rugby team. I was not sure if I wanted to participate in the rugby practice or participate at an organization that does volunteering work. Rugby won... Why? I am not even sure. I know absolutely nothing about rugby. All I know is that it is a very popular sport in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia and Canada. I also have a friend, Felipe Godoy, who plays for the University of Sao Paulo team. But what does rugby resemble? It is played in a field similar to a soccer field, however it is quite violent (the players even have to use a mouth piece similar to the one used by boxers). It is similar to handball in the way that you have to pass the ball along until you reach the goal. It also seems like it is American football with the exception that if the ball touches the ground, the play does not stop. I also heard people say that it is like basketball in the way that the players continuously move although they don't have the ball. WOW! What is rugby like?? The legend says that rugby was "invented" in Englang by a student called William Webb Ellis at a English Public School, in Rugby, London in 1823. During an inter-class soccer game, William, which was really bad a soccer got frustrated by not being able to kick the ball and grabed the ball and ran as fast as he could while his teammates were trying to catch him on the field. His teammates were very mad.
Other schools started playing the same game and in 1872 the University of Cambridge established the first "Rugby club".
I did not know any of that yesterday when I went to practice. I did my "homework" today and now I know the very basics of the game. As soon as I understand more about it, I will try to explain it.
But anyway... Yesterday the girls were very nice to me. The introduced themselves. The team capitan is in my Microbiology class and she seems very nice. All the girls gave me tips on how to play and what to do (which was nice of them). They placed me on deffense - where the smaller, thinner girls play - rather than offense - where the bigger and stronger girls play. I gave lots of bad passes... some good ones and few really good. The coach said that for someone who has never played or watched it before I was very good. On Thursday we will have another practice. Kuba went to watch the practice yesterday but he was hiding so that I could not see him and get distracted.
pictures: rugby legs, rugby ball (similar to American football ball but bigger), field and Sacramento State Rugby team.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
So cafe mesmo pra me manter acordada. Ultimamente tenho tido problemas tentando prestar atencao nas aulas, o sono vem e eu nao consigo ficar acordada (ou prestar atencao) e quando vejo ja perdi 3 minutos de informacao! Nao sei o que acontece comigo. Na sexta feira passada nem cafe me manteve acordada, eu tive mesmo eh que jogar agua no meu rosto no meio da aula... O motivo de tanto cansaco eu nao sei, acho que so estudos mesmo. Essa semana que passou eu estudei tanto pra minha prova de microbiologia e eu acho que eu fui bem. Notas abaixo de 9,5 vao me deixar decepcionada!! (que nerd!!). Enfim... Essa semana mais umas provas... trabalho sabado. E domingo tambem. AI AI AI...
Only coffee keeps me awake lately. I am not sure what has been happening to be, but lately I get so tired in class, i cannot keep myself awake and when I see I already lost 3 minutes of really important information. This last Friday not even coffee was enough to keep me awake, i had to splash my face with water in the middle of the class. This past week I studied so hard for my microbiology exam that if I get a grade worse than 95% I will be really disapointed. Anyway... one more week coming, more tests, work on Saturday and likely Sunday as well...
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