Google Maps states that if I were to walk from (A) Sao Paulo-where my parents live - to (B) Manaus (in the Amazon), it would take me 34 days and 6 hours (or 34 days and 13 hours if I chose to take a boat along the way. Although that means I would have to walk about 70 miles per day! Totally reasonable considering I would have to cross rivers and untouched jungle! This route is 2547 miles long. Maybe someday I will take on a challenge like this. It just seems too easy to get there by plane.

Era assim que eu viajava de barco
That's the way I travelled by boat
Chegando a Manaus!! Eu estava animadissima!
Arriving in Manaus. I was sooo excited!!
That's the way I travelled by boat
Arriving in Manaus. I was sooo excited!!
Rio Amazonas. Geralmente quando sobrevoo a Amazonia ou esta de noite ou entao esta nublado. Nunca da pra ver nada.
First look at the Amazon River. Usually when I come to Brazil I fly over the Amazon at night. Or, when it is during the day it is always cloudy
Just beautiful. Miles and miles of river and water.
Opera house. The most famous building in the city
Manaus nao e uma cidade muito bonita. E uma cidade bem industrial e no centro e uma bagunca infernal. Muuuita gente, comercio popular, barraquinha de tudo quanto e coisa, gente vendendo peixe no meio da rua.. ja imaginou?
Manaus is not a very pretty city. It is very industrial with many multinational companies over there. Downtown Manaus is a true chaos! Lots of people, flea markets, people selling fish in the middle of the street! Can you believe it?
View of Ponta Negra beach and the hotel where we stayed at - usually when the river is not so high, you have a nice beach with fine white sand and everything... but since this year the river reached the highest level in many years, you could not see the "beach" at all.
Geo-Cache-size pineapple! Sooo cute!!
Hmmm Coconut water - one of my favorite things in Brazil
Amazonian traditional dances - a small sample of the big festival "Boi-Bumba" - this festival is to the Amazon the same as Carnaval is to Rio.
Breakfast of champions - pineapple and papaya! BRAZILIAN PAPAYA - did you notice that it is a lot smaller than the US version? A lot sweeter too... soooooo good!
O hotel flutuante da Amazonia - AMAZON JUNGLE PALACE - quando fomos la eles tinham acabado de abrir. Como e um hotel flutuante, tecnicamente ele pode ir pra um outro lugar, certo?
The hotel Amazon Jungle Palace is a floating hotel in the Amazon. When I was there, they had just opened for business. Since it is a floating hotel, it can technically move from place to place.
The hotel Amazon Jungle Palace is a floating hotel in the Amazon. When I was there, they had just opened for business. Since it is a floating hotel, it can technically move from place to place.
As pessoas que trabalham no hotel moram "embaixo" do hotel. Achei estranho ver o ar condicionado tao perto da agua, mas como e um hotel flutuante, ele nunca fica molhado! heheh
The people that work at the hotel "live" underneath the hotel. I thought it was a little weird to see the AC units so close to the water, however, since it is a floating hotel, they never get wet.
The people that work at the hotel "live" underneath the hotel. I thought it was a little weird to see the AC units so close to the water, however, since it is a floating hotel, they never get wet.
Um hotel 5 estrelas no meio da selva - 1 hora de barco de Manaus - mas eu nao queria ficar nele nao. Imagina ficar ilhado por dias? A diaria e bem carinha, mas se pensar que voce esta no meio do nada e eles te dao tudo: de comida a passeios.. Nao ta taaaao caro assim.
5 start hotel in the middle of the jungle - 1 hour from Manaus by boat - except that... if you had to stay there the whole time... It is actually quite expensive but considering that you are seriously in the middle of nowhere and they feed you and take you for boat rides, it is not thaaat bad.
The boat we took to the native indian reservation
Walking through the jungle to get to the indian reservation
Queria lembrar o que estava escrito nessa plaquinha na Reserva do Tupe!! Algume me ajuda...
I wish I could remember what this sign said. This is written in a native "Brazilian" dialect. If you know, please send me an email.
A Oca! Contruida de bambu, folha de coqueiro e madeia
The tipi - constructed from bamboo, wood and coconut tree leaves
O calor na selva e insuportavel. 35C nem e tao calor assim, mas quando se esta a 90% de humidade, a coisa fica dificil. Voce fica molhada de suor mesmo sem fazer esforco nenhum.
The heat in the jungle is nearly unbearable. It is 90F.. which is not thaaat hot actually (compared to Sacramento in the summer), however, at 90% humidity, it is a whole different story. You are soaked in sweat the entire time, even with minimal effort.
The native "Brazilian" indians. I really wanted to take a picture with the chief of the tribe but I was shy and did not want to ask. Next time..
O Posto no meio do rio - em Manaus voce nao vai a lugar algum de carro. Todo mundo tem um barco, tudo se faz de barco. Naturalmente, tem posto de gasolina no meio do rio Negro. Com loja de conveniencia e tudo mais! E nao e um so nao.. tem varios postos, um do lado do outro, competindo pela clientela. Achei isso muito interessante.
A gas station in the middle of the river - In Manaus you can't go anywhere unless you have a boat. Everyone has a boat, everyone takes boats. Naturally, there is a gas station in the middle of the river. With a convenience store and everything! And it is not just one.. there are several gas stations, one next to the other, competing for clients. I thought that was very interesting.
O Ze - encantador do boto-cor-de-Rosa mesmo!!! O cara chama o boto com um assovio e o boto bem. O boto fica solto no rio, mas quando o Ze chama, ele vem. Alias, a familia toda. Sao 4 botos.
This is Ze - he calls the fresh water Pink dolphins with a whistle and they come. They are just randomly swimming in the wild but they always come to him. Actually the entire family comes. There are 4 dolphins.
Eles vieram.. mas foi muito dificil tirar uma foto boa!
They came, but it was hard to take a good picture.
A ponte ligando 2 cidades - normalmente so com a balsa
A bridge connecting two cities normally only accessible by ferry boat
They came, but it was hard to take a good picture.
A ponte ligando 2 cidades - normalmente so com a balsa
A bridge connecting two cities normally only accessible by ferry boat
Bebe Jacare - eles colocaram um elastico na boca dele pra eu poder segura-lo. Ja segurou um jacare? heheh Muito estranho. O pe/pata deles e estranha. Parece que nao tem osso e parece que e feito de gelatina. A textura de uma agua-viva. E a pele.. nossa... muito rigida. Da pra entender porque eles os usam pra fazer bolsas e sapatos :(
Baby alligator - they tied his mouth so that I could hold it. Have you ever held an alligator before? hehe Their feet are weird! It's like there are no bones! The texture of a jellyfish. And the skin is very very tough, no wonder they kill them to make shoes and belts :(
Segurando o bicho-preguica. Ou "a" bicha-preguica e o seu bebe. Tava dando um abraco no filhote tao apertado
Holding a sloth and its baby - in Portuguese sloths are called "lazy animals" because they don't really move or do much. However, that thing was holding its baby sooo tight!!
Casas flutuantes - a maioria das casas construidas as margens do rio flutuam. Sao construidam sobre uma madeira bem forte. Quando o rio tem cheia, a casa "sobe".. hehe
Most of the houses constructed along the river are "floating houses". They are constructed on top of this very strong wood and basically they rise as the river rises. Very interesting..
The "meeting of the waters" as we call in Portuguese. Something I studied in primary school and always saw in books! Water from the Negro River (dark water) and Amazon (brown) meet and travel for more than 4 miles without getting mixed. The water temperature is different from river to river - the Negro river has luke warm water while the Amazon is a bit colder. The boat guide went from side to side to that we could touch the water and feel the difference in temperature. SO COOL!
A agua dos rios nao se mistura na hora que se encontram porque a densidade, temperatura, corrente e a composicao da agua e bem diferente entre os dois rios. A agua do rio negro e bem mais acida e mais quente do que a do Amazonas. A velocidade do Rio Negro e mais ou menos 4km/hr e ele so tem uns 10% de todas as especies de peixe da amazonia. A agua do rio Amazonas tem mais nutrientes e oxigenio e e pronta pra beber. A Agua do rio Negro e muito acida. Mas nao sei se essas informacoes estao corretas pois o guia me disse isso e eu nao tive tempo de pesquisar pra ver se e verdade mesmo.
The river waters don't mix so readily because the density, current, temperature and water composition is very different. The Negro river is warmer and much more acidic than the Amazon. It travels at about 2.5 miles per hour,and it has only 10% of the Amazon fish species. The Amazon water is drinkable and it has more oxygen and nutrients than the Negro river. Although.. don't quote me on that. A native/tourist guide told me all this info and I haven't had the time to actually check it.
Chegando no hotel Ariau - a maior cheia de todos os tempos - metade do hotel foi destruido e esta sendo restaurado agora. Tinha uma passarela ai.. ehehe
Arriving at Ariau hotel - the biggest flood of all times destroyed part of the hotel, which is being restored now. There used to be a walkway
Arriving at Ariau hotel - the biggest flood of all times destroyed part of the hotel, which is being restored now. There used to be a walkway
Filhote de piranha - ao contrario do que todo mundo pensa, as piranhas so atacam uma pessoa se essa pessoa estiver ferida.
Baby Piranha fish - unlike popular belief, Piranha fish only attack people when they enter the water already bleeding.
Meu melhor amigo na Amazonia - Sr. Macaco de cheiro
My best friend in the Amazon - Mr. Squirrel Monkey
Baby Piranha fish - unlike popular belief, Piranha fish only attack people when they enter the water already bleeding.
My best friend in the Amazon - Mr. Squirrel Monkey
Ariau hotel has several "theme" towers like this one
Sweating bullets!! The entire time pretty much
Sr. Dudu - o papagaio do bar
Tarzan's house - That's what I am talking about when I say tree house. 7-STORY tree house. It has a swimming pool and everything
Walkway through the hotel - the jungle is totally flooded
Biologa nerd - trepadeira dando um "abracinho" mortal na arvore. Ela abraca a arvore e a estrangula, roubando todos os seus nutrientes. Eu gotei da foto - me lembra a coroa de espinhos de Jesus. ahahh
Nerd biologist - this plant is "hugging" this tree - except that it is a "death hug" because it will squeeze this tree so hard, kill it ans steal its nutrients. I just like the picture - it reminds me a little of Jesus' crown of thorns
Falando de espinhos - essa arvore e o ASSACUZEIRO ou ASSACU! Com um nome assim da ate pra imaginar o que acontece quando voce encosta o que nao deve nessa arvore.
Speaking of thorns - this is the ASSACU tree - it sounds extremely funny in Portuguese as it means "Rashy-ass" tree.. hahah With a name like this, you can only imagine what it does to you if you touch it in inappropriate places.
The Youth fountain
Esse ai pulou no meu pai. Foi muito engracado. Meu pai estava com um pedacinho de pao na mao quando esse macaco surgiu do nada e pulou nele pra tentar roubar o pao. A foto saiu tremida, mas achei a cara do macaco demais como quem quis: "Ih.. sujou!"
This monkey totally jumped on my dad. It was hillarious!! My dad was carrying a small piece of bread on his hand and this monkey jumped on him, out of nowhere, to take the bread. The picture is out of focus but I just love this monkey's face: "Oopsie...."
This monkey totally jumped on my dad. It was hillarious!! My dad was carrying a small piece of bread on his hand and this monkey jumped on him, out of nowhere, to take the bread. The picture is out of focus but I just love this monkey's face: "Oopsie...."
Macaws flying around... they are so big, it is kind of scary!
No hotel que ficamos tinha um zoologico com animais resgatados de familias que tentaram domesticalos e animais doados pelo IBAMA. Uns animais estavam doentes e eles ficam no zoologico sendo tratados ate ficarem bem. Fiquei com muita pena dessa onca-pintada. Tanta vida la fora e ela presa nessa jaula.
The hotel I stayed at had a zoo. The zoo is made from animals who were rescued from people's houses - people who thought they could take care of the animais and ended up realizing that it is not easy having a jaguar-like animal at home. Some of the animals are sick, some were donated from other people. I was sad looking at this jaguar. So much life outside its cage and the little thing had to stay there. Doesn't he look sad?
The swimming pool water seemed to be connected to the river water
Bom... 110 fotos depois.. ate que eu nao coloquei tantas assim. Voltei da Amazonia com 7 GB de fotos e videos!! Aguardem o videozinho
And so.. 110 pictures later... I did not even upload that many. I took about 7GB of pictures and videos at the Amazon Basin. Video will be uploaded soon.
And so.. 110 pictures later... I did not even upload that many. I took about 7GB of pictures and videos at the Amazon Basin. Video will be uploaded soon.
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