Friday, September 11, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Viagem pro estado de Alagoas
Trip to Alagoas state in Brazil
Trip to Alagoas state in Brazil
A) Sao Paulo..... B) Maceio, the capital city of Alagoas. Alagoas is the second smallest Brazilian state
Piscina Natural de Maragogi. Pena que quando estavamos la a mare estava alta demais e o IBAMA nao autoriza o passeio de barco pra Maragogi. Entao... essa foto nao e minha.. hahah
Natural pools of Maragogi. When I was there, the tide was too high and the Brazilian government does not authorize boat trips to this place for conservation reasons (I don't know..). Anyway.. I did not take this picture...

Piscina Natural de Maragogi. Pena que quando estavamos la a mare estava alta demais e o IBAMA nao autoriza o passeio de barco pra Maragogi. Entao... essa foto nao e minha.. hahah
Natural pools of Maragogi. When I was there, the tide was too high and the Brazilian government does not authorize boat trips to this place for conservation reasons (I don't know..). Anyway.. I did not take this picture...

A minha cara de brava por causa da chuva... Poxa vida, to de ferias!!
That's my face.. mad because of the rain.. Come on!! I am on vacation!!
Monkey.. but those ones were kind of scary. They made such a loud, high pitch noise
River and the ocean
Flood plains
Baywatch, here I come! Except that I still have to have at least 50 plastic surgeries to fit the profile of the show.
Sugar cane plantation. Everywhere you go in the state of Alagoas, this is all you see (and coconut trees). Alagoas has the biggest sugar cane plantation in Brazil
Delta of Sao Francisco River in the town of Piacabucu (pronounced: Pee-Ah-Sah-boo-s00) - the "true Brazilian river" - unlike the Amazon river, that starts in Peru, the Sao Francisco river starts in Brazil and flows into the Atlantic ocean in Alagoas.
At this point in the river, the water is already a little salty
O que tem de errado nessa foto? Se voce reparar bem, tem um farol no meio do mar. Antigamente, esse farol ficava em terra firme (e essa terra firme na foto ja e o estado de Sergipe), mas como fizeram uma barragem no Rio Sao Francisco, o volume de agua que desagua no mar diminuiu e o mar avancou sobre a terra, alagando uma aldeiazinha onde o farol ficava. Conclusao: NAO se meta com a natureza!
What is wrong with this picture? If you look closely, you can see a lighthouse in the middle of the water. This lighthouse used to be in land (By the way, the land you see is already the state of Sergipe in Brazil). Since they made a dam on the river, the volume of water flowing into the ocean lessened and the ocean waters actually started coming more towards the land and flooded a small village where the lighthouse was. Lesson of the day: DON'T mess with mother nature!
Tomando cachaca caseira... muuuuuuuito forte!! Pensei que ia me matar
Drinking home-made Cachaca (Brazilian version of vodka made with sugar cane) - so strong I though it was going to kill me
Meu pai dancando forro com a guia
My dad dancing "Forro" music with the tour guide
Drinking home-made Cachaca (Brazilian version of vodka made with sugar cane) - so strong I though it was going to kill me
Meu pai dancando forro com a guia
My dad dancing "Forro" music with the tour guide
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