A praia de Ho'okipa na ilha de Maui. O paraiso do windsurfe (ou vela). O vento eh constante e as ondas sao boas. Porem... turista nao entra na agua pra surfar. Voce tem que ser um morador ou entao um profissional pra usar a praia. Isso eh levado a serio em Maui. Em Ho'okipa o pessoal do windsurfe so pode usar a praia depois das 11 da manha. Antes disso so os surfistas podem pegar onda. A praia de Kanaha eh dividida em segmentos e em uma parte so pode fazer kitesurfe, em outra so windsurfe.. desse jeito um nao atrapalha o outro.
Ho'okipa beach in Maui - Windsurfer's paradise. Ho'okipa has steady wind and great waves. The only problem? Tourists are not allowed in the water. You have to be a local or a pro to get in. This is taken very seriously in Maui. At Ho'okipa the windsurfers are only allowed in the water after 11 am. That's because before that surfers own the beach. Kanaha beach is an extensive beach and it is divided in sectors. Some sectors are for kitesurfers only, others for windsurfers only. This way they are not fighting for the same waves and wind gusts.
Ho'okipa beach in Maui - Windsurfer's paradise. Ho'okipa has steady wind and great waves. The only problem? Tourists are not allowed in the water. You have to be a local or a pro to get in. This is taken very seriously in Maui. At Ho'okipa the windsurfers are only allowed in the water after 11 am. That's because before that surfers own the beach. Kanaha beach is an extensive beach and it is divided in sectors. Some sectors are for kitesurfers only, others for windsurfers only. This way they are not fighting for the same waves and wind gusts.
Kanaha beach - where beginners and tourists may get in the water and windsurf.
As we walked into our room in Maui we were a bit surprised. We asked for a regular room and instead we got one with a living room, complete kitchen, 2 bathrooms, balcony, laundry machine, dryer and everything else. Score!!
Petroglyphs in Olowalu, Maui
O nascer do sol - vulcao Haleakala (que significa "A casa do Sol")
Mais uma vez eu fui ver o sol nascer no topo do vulcao Haleakala. Do nosso hotel ate la sao 2 horas de carro porque a estrada tem muuuuitas curvas perigosas e animais na pista. Saimos de Ka'anapali as 4 da manha pra ver o sol nascer as 6:15 e quase nao chegamos a tempo. Haleakala fica a 3000 metros de altura e de manha faz muito frio la. Quem eh que leva casaco pras ferias no Havai? Dessa vez eu levei porque da ultima vez a minha mae, o Romulo e eu passamos um frio de matar. Nao eh frio de zero graus Celcius mas o vento faz a sensacao termica ser muito pior.
Sunrise at Haleakala (literaly "House of the sun")
This is the second time I go to watch the sunrise at the top of Haleakala volcano. From our hotel it took almost 2 hours to get there because the road is winding and there are animals crossing thee road. We left Ka'anapali at 4am to see the sunrise at 6:15am and we barely made it on time. Haleakala is at 3000 m altitude and it is very cold in the morning. Who is going to take heavy jackets for Hawaiian vacation? Well, I did! I knew better.. Last time my mom, my brother Romulo and I almost froze to death on top of the volcano. It was not 32F but because of the wind the sensation was much worse than that.
Without my tripod it would be difficult to take steady pictures.
Como da pra ver, o topo do vulcao fica acima das nuvens.
As you can see, the top of the mountain is above the clouds.
Interessante - isso era um centro de reciclagem pra pranchas de surfe e windsurfe. Eu gostei do muro..
I thought this was pretty interesting. This place is a recycling center for surfboards and windsurfing boards. I liked the fence! I want to get one of those!
Floresta de Bambu - no livro que eu comprei tinha a descricao de uma trilha no meio do nada. A gente parou o carro no acostamento numa curvinha e fomos fazer a trilha. Mas... estava chovendo, tinham varios obstaculos na trilha e muita lama, dois rio que a gente teve que atravessar e umas pedras pra escalar ate chegar na primeira (de quatro) cachoeiras. A trilha era pior ainda entre a primeira cachoeira e a segunda e a gente ate se perdeu.
Bamboo forest - The book I bought described this one trail in the middle of nowhere. We parked on the shoulder lane and went through a dense Bamboo forest to get to the trail. It was raining, there were many obstacles on the trail - by no means it was a nicely developed trail - there was mud, we crossed two creeks, climbed some rocks just to get to the first (of 4) waterfalls. The trail was even more difficult to follow and we got lost (or a "detour") on the way to the second waterfall.
At this point I decided to turn around and go back. We tried climbing this rock using the ropes to aid the climb but it was just too slipery and dangerous. And the falls were not worth it.
A ilha de Maui tem 3 cidades grandiinhas. Lahaina (perto de Ka’anapali onde a gente ficou), Kahului onde eh o aeroporto principal e Hana fica longe de Lahaina. Em Hana chove muito! MUITO.. como na Amazonia. Eh tudo verdinho mas por razoes obvias nao ha muitos hoteis la (quem eh que quer ir pro Havai pra pegar chuva?). Em Lahaina nao chove muito e por isso muitos hoteis resort ficam nessa parted a ilha. A Estrada pra chegar em Hana tem mais de 600 curvas e me lembra muito a serra pra Petropolis. Tudo muito verde, chuvinha o tempo todo, umas 30 cachoeiras e uma vista maravilhosa do mar quando nao esta tudo nublado.
The road to Hana – Maui has 3 main cities. Lahaina (close to Ka’anapali where we stayed), Kahului, where the airport is, and Hana which Is in the opposite side of the island (when coming from Lahaina). It rains a lot in Hana. A LOT! Like in the Amazon. Everything is very nice and green but for obvious reasons there aren’t that many hotels over there (who wants to have rainy weather on their trip to Hawaii?) In Lahaina it does not rain that much at all, hence all the nice resorts are located there. The road to get to Hana has more than 600 turns (although I did not count) and it reminds me a lot of the road to Petropolis where my grandma lives. It’s very green and it rains! There are about 30 waterfalls on the way and a beautiful view of the ocean.
The road to Hana – Maui has 3 main cities. Lahaina (close to Ka’anapali where we stayed), Kahului, where the airport is, and Hana which Is in the opposite side of the island (when coming from Lahaina). It rains a lot in Hana. A LOT! Like in the Amazon. Everything is very nice and green but for obvious reasons there aren’t that many hotels over there (who wants to have rainy weather on their trip to Hawaii?) In Lahaina it does not rain that much at all, hence all the nice resorts are located there. The road to get to Hana has more than 600 turns (although I did not count) and it reminds me a lot of the road to Petropolis where my grandma lives. It’s very green and it rains! There are about 30 waterfalls on the way and a beautiful view of the ocean.
(Windsurfing day at Kanaha beach in Maui. Kuba rented the board with 2 sails from a store near the beach. Conditions were tough and he struggled with the wind and the waves. But he had so much fun…!!! His smile told the story.
No quarto que a gente ficou tinha um livrinho onde todos os hospedes daquele quarto deixaram mensagens do tipo “Adoramos a nossa estadia em Maui. O melhor for mergulhar… blab la bla”. Eu deixei um recadinho tambem sobre o que gostamos na ilha.
In the room where we stayed there was a guestbook where people who stayed there wrote notes on their experience in Maui. We also left ours…
Last day – relax at the beach. We walked on the “Beach walk”, a path that goes by the beach and around a few resorts.