Faz tempo que eu nao escrevo nada e nem tiro fotos. Depois que a temporada de inverno acabou aqui a gente simplesmente nao fez mas nada de interessante... heheh
Na verdade em uma segunda-feira em que eu estava de folga eu fui fazer uma caminha com meu amigo Nick em Napa.. perto de Napa, num lugar chamado Bald Mountain. Foi legalzinho mas demorou muito pra chegar la e a caminhada foi muito facil. Chegamos la as 10 da manha e meio dia ja tinhamos acabado a caminhada. Como ainda tinhamos o dia inteiro pela frente, decidimos ir ate Bodega Bay (um dos lugares que o Nick mais gosta e que eu nunca tinha ido) e fizemos uma caminhada la tambem. Bodega Bay eh bonito.. a costa da California eh bonita mas ainda sim, nada se compara ao Brasil na minha opiniao. Bodega Bay fica ao norte de Sao Francisco e mais ou menos 2 horas daqui de Sacramento.
It's been a while since I wrote anything down for the blog. I haven't taken pictures either. The truth is.. as the winter season/snowboarding ended, Kuba and I haven't been up to anything really. Nothing interesting anyway...
Actually one of the Mondays in which I was off, I went hiking with my friend Nick from work. We went to Bald Mountain near Napa (West of Sacramento). It took a while to get there and the hike was pretty easy. When we got to the top the view was not that great - on a clear day it's possible to see the Golden Gate from there. We were done with the hike around noon and since we still had the whole day we went to Bodega Bay, north of San Francisco. Bodega Bay is one of Nick's favorite places and I had never been there. It was nice.. we hiked around, took some pictures... California coast is beautiful but I still think there's nothing like Brazil.
Na verdade em uma segunda-feira em que eu estava de folga eu fui fazer uma caminha com meu amigo Nick em Napa.. perto de Napa, num lugar chamado Bald Mountain. Foi legalzinho mas demorou muito pra chegar la e a caminhada foi muito facil. Chegamos la as 10 da manha e meio dia ja tinhamos acabado a caminhada. Como ainda tinhamos o dia inteiro pela frente, decidimos ir ate Bodega Bay (um dos lugares que o Nick mais gosta e que eu nunca tinha ido) e fizemos uma caminhada la tambem. Bodega Bay eh bonito.. a costa da California eh bonita mas ainda sim, nada se compara ao Brasil na minha opiniao. Bodega Bay fica ao norte de Sao Francisco e mais ou menos 2 horas daqui de Sacramento.
It's been a while since I wrote anything down for the blog. I haven't taken pictures either. The truth is.. as the winter season/snowboarding ended, Kuba and I haven't been up to anything really. Nothing interesting anyway...
Actually one of the Mondays in which I was off, I went hiking with my friend Nick from work. We went to Bald Mountain near Napa (West of Sacramento). It took a while to get there and the hike was pretty easy. When we got to the top the view was not that great - on a clear day it's possible to see the Golden Gate from there. We were done with the hike around noon and since we still had the whole day we went to Bodega Bay, north of San Francisco. Bodega Bay is one of Nick's favorite places and I had never been there. It was nice.. we hiked around, took some pictures... California coast is beautiful but I still think there's nothing like Brazil.
Mapa no topo da montanha - the map at the top of the ridge.
Em Bodega Bay...
I really like this picture. The couple at the top of the ridge.. the horizon line is so high...
Ahhhh... nesse meio tempo que eu nao escrevi nada, eu fui no cha de bebe da minha amiga Charity (obviamente a gravida). Na foto: Jennifer, Charity, Rebecca e eu.
Ohhh, by the way, I also went to Charity's baby shower (obviously Charity is the pregnant one!). In the picture: Jennifer, Charity, Rebecca and me.
Ohhh, by the way, I also went to Charity's baby shower (obviously Charity is the pregnant one!). In the picture: Jennifer, Charity, Rebecca and me.
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