Monday, May 26, 2008

2nd Annual Dive Night 2008

No Sabado eu e minhas amigas do time de rugby fomos festejar o segundo "Dive Night"... 27 amigas minhas e eu alugamos duas vans e fomos em 7 "dive Bars" (bares beeeem baratos e que geralmente ninguem vai se a intencao da noite eh ver gente bonita. Esses bares que nao estao na moda sao chamados de Dive Bars) aqui em Sacramento. Entre uma e duas cervejas por bar, da pra imaginar como todo mundo ficou, ne? heheheh.. Na verdade eu nem bebi tanto assim mas umas meninas do Rugby se superaram. Todo mundo tinha uma camisa do Dive Night com o nome de todos os bares na frente e um quadradinho do lado e assim que chegavamos num bar, a gente colocava uma marquinha no quadradinho (reparem nas fotos).

On Saturday night me and 27 other friends from Sac State's rugby team went pub crawling/bar hoping in Sacramento. We celebrated the 2nd annual Dive Night ("Dive" because of the Dive bars- really cheap bars that are not really "fashion". Well, let's just say, places where you go to DRINK and not just to be "seen"). We each had one or two beers per bar so you can imagine what we looked like at the end of the night. heheh . Everyone had a Dive Night T-shirt with the names of all 7 bars and a little square in the front. As soon as we walked into a bar, someone put a check mark inside the little square (check out the pictures).

Amanda e eu dando um beijinho no GLADYS - o dinossauro. A Amanda era a nossa "coordenadora" e quando estava na hora de ir pra outro bar, ela avisava todo mundo e levantava o Gladys pra todo mundo ir atras dela. Imagine guia da Stella Barros.. lembra da bandeirinha? A gente tinha o Gladys.

Amanda and I giving Gladys - the dinossaur - a little kiss. When it was time to move to the next bar, Amanda yelled out "Finish up!!" and lifted Gladys up high so that everyone could see it and follow her out of the bar.
Lorae (lembram-se dela??) Dave e eu. Dave era o nosso motorista. Ele tinha uma camiseta especial e nao bebeu nada (sacrificio, mas valeu a pena porque eu cheguei em casa sa e salva)

Lorae, Dave and me. Dave was our DD - Designated Driver. He had his special t-shirt and he also did not drink at all the entire night (it was a sacrifice but it was worth it! We all got home safe!)

Georgi, Ellen, Rayme, K-dub, Lorae, Amanda and Battle
Brandon (a.k.a. Women's Rugby team groupie #1), ???, Lorae, me, Ellen and Amanda
Rayme and Ellen

The designated drivers... THANKS GUYS!!
Amanda and Gladys, Battle and Brandon. Tinham so 4 homens no nosso grupo. There were only 4 guys with us.
um dos bares.... Digamos que.. quando a gente chegava, nao tinha mais espaco pra ninguem.
Let's say that when we arrived, there was no more space for anyone.

Dive Night part 2 - friend's pics

Amanda and Lorae'... heheh.. I LOVE this picture!
Lorae' and I can be really silly too..
Was the "photographer" drunk too?
Is it possible to get a DUI in a shopping cart?
The happy van...
no comment... they thought the hat was a visor.

Our T-shirts...

List of Dive Bars we visited in SacramentoNa casa das meninas do Rugby. Pessoal que foi pro Dive Night de van
At the Rugby girl's house. Everyone who was on the van
Rayme, Amanda and I
?? and Shauna

Travis, Lorae', Arlene, Guy, Ellen and RaymeKori, rugby girl and Josh
We've had better pictures... heheh
Laurel, Brandon, Nat, Kori and Ellen in the backgroud

Lorae', Rayme, Amanda, Kristina, rugby girl, Ellen
Amanda, Nataly, Lorae' and Kori

"Team shotz" - Brandon, Battle, Georgie and ArleneNat and Shauna
Lorae' and Ellen
Travis, Lorae' and half of me

By the end of the night... we lost some... we gained some.. and we kicked some out!

New sail

Saturday here was a windsurf swap at Sherman Island in Rio Vista, CA. Kuba acquired a new sail.. "For me".. hahaha

Antes e Depois

O Verao esta chegando aqui na California e ja tava na hora de cortar o meu cabelo.
Summer is coming (in California) and it was time to get a hair cut.

Antes.... BeforeDepois... After

Pintando - Painting
