Essa foi a ultima vez que a gente foi esquiar com o Bruno (amigo de Niteroi). Quando estava nevando a gente nunca ia pra Tahoe, mas esse ano falou em nevasca a gente comeca a preparar o carro. Corrente pras rodas, todo o equipamento pra esquiar, muuuuitos casacos...
Tava nevando bastante e ventando mas mesmo assim valeu a pena. Vou colocar o video depois.
This was the last time we went snowboarding/skiing with Bruno, a friend from Brazil. This year whenever we heard "blizzard" in the forecast we started packing the car with ski stuff. Used to be that we only went to the mountains on sunny days. Not this year!
It was snowing and it was windy. But it was worth it. Videos will be posted later.
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