Monday, March 24, 2008

Mark - filho da Denise

Alberta, Denise e Nancy levaram o Mark e o Pal (cachorro) pra dar uma volta ...

Avo coruja!

Mark e tio Craig

Kuba... sem jeito...

Formula 1

Michael Schumacher

A temporada de 2008 da Formula 1 ja comecou e esse ano o campeonato vai ser ainda mais equilibrado. O Kuba nunca gostou muito de F1, mas depois que o Robert Kubica (Polones!!) entrou ele nao perde uma corrida.

The 2008 season of Formula 1 has started and this year the championship will be more "even". Kuba never really liked F1 but since Polish driver Robert Kubica started racing, Kuba does not miss a Grand Prix.

Pra mim esse ano eh ainda mais especial pois um amigo meu agora eh o terceiro piloto da Renault. Parabens Lucas! Estamos torcendo por voce!!
To me, this year is even more special since my friend Lucas Di Grassi is now the third driver for Renault. Congratulations Lucas! We will be cheering for you!

Como o Lucas nao ta correndo esse ano ainda...
Esse ano tem muitos pilotos bons. Gosto do estilo do Sebastian Vettel, mas acho que nao da pra ele competir com uma Ferrari ou McLaren. Heikki Kovalainen eh uma promessa e claro, todos estao de olho no Lewis Hamilton, Kimi Raikkonen, Fernando Alonso e Felipe Massa. Temos 3 Brasileiros esse ano: Felipe Massa, Rubens Barrichello e o Nelsinho Piquet.
Eu nao sei bem pra quem eu to torcendo... como diz uma amiga minha (que acabou de descobrir o que eh F1), "Vou torcer pro mais bonito".. hahah

But since Lucas is not racing this year...
There are lots of good drivers and it is hard to pick just one. I really like Sebastian Vettel's style but his car is just not good enough to compete with Ferrari and McLaren. Heikki Kovalainen is a big promise for this year. And of course, everybody is watching Kimi Raikkonen, Felipe Massa, Lewis Hamilton and Fernando Alonso. This year we also have 3 Brazilian drivers: Felipe Massa, Nelsinho Piquet and Rubens Barrichello.
I am not sure who I am cheering for... As a friend of mine says: "I will pick the hottest one".. hahaha

Mark Webber - com certeza uma otima escolha pra essa categoria
Webber is certainly a good choice in that category.

Mas o Alonso eh o mais charmoso na minha opiniao...
But Alonso is Mr. Prince Charming in my opinion...

Mais Neve!! video

Quando eu coloquei as fotos do resort Sugar Bowl (O dia que fomos com o Bruno) eu nao coloquei o video que eu fiz..
When I uploaded the pictures of Sugar Bowl resort with Bruno I did not post the video I made...

E esse eh o video do resort Squaw Valley onde fomos com o Tio do Kuba - Marek.
And I also forgot to post the video of Squaw Valley resort. We went there with Marek, Kuba's uncle

Kirkwood - e nao foi a ultima vez...

No final de semana passado fomos esquiar de novo, mas dessa vez fomos pra Kirkwood, um resort aqui na California. Um amigo meu do trabalho sempre vai pra la e decidimos ir com ele. Quando chegamos la eles estavam sem energia eletrica (putz!!!) e nada estava funcionando. Tivemos sorte pois eles usaram o gerador pra fazer 4 telefericos funcionarem (de 12!). Mas nao foi tao ruim assim.... como eles so tinham alguns telefericos funcionando, tivemos 50% de desconto no passe pro dia, ganhamos um passe pra outro dia qualquer e direito a 3 bebidas no bar. hmmmmm... isso eh que eh tratamento!

Last weekend we went skiing again but this time we went to Kirkwood, also in California. A friend from my work goes to Kirkwood all the time so we decided to go with him this weekend. Everything was going wrong... the day before we went to a store here in Sacramento to buy discount tickets for the resort: they were out!! So the next day we went to the resort anyway and when we got there... they were out of power! Great, nothing was working. Somehow they managed to open 4 lifts (out of 12) and we were able to ski. The best part... since they were out of power for a while, they gave us a 50% discount on the lift ticket, a pass for another day (any day!) and 3 free drinks at the bar. That's what I am talking about!!! Good customer service!

Neve na estrada... snowy roads!

O clima estava bom: parcialmente nublado e friozinho (bom porque assim a neve nao derrete) e muita neve - tinha nevado na noite anterior.
The weather was nice: partially sunny, snow, FRESH POWDER!!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Aniversario - B-day

Bolo de cenoura pra Nataly. Banana com morango pro Leroy. Latte pra Alberta e framboesa pro Kuba. Hmmmmmmmmmm

Carrot cake for me. Banana and strawberries for Leroy. Latte for Alberta and rasberry for Kuba. Yummmmm!

Dream ultra lounge em Sacramento. Esquerda: Mike, Yoli, Eu, Marcin, Elise e Amanda

Marcin, Kuba e Mike

Marcin e "zona" (se fala jo-na em Polones = esposa) Amanda.

Kuba e Elise

Windsurf - 2 de marco!

Primeiro dia de windsurf esse ano: dia 2 de marco! Muuuuito cedo. Aqui na California ainda estamos no inverno e a agua tava muuito gelada. Mas... estava ventando muito e a gente nao resistiu e foi assim mesmo..

First windsurfing day of the year: March 2nd! Very early. It is winter in California and the water is freezing still! But... it was windy and we just could not resist!

Marcin aka "Mickey Mouse" e Jakub aka "Gangsta wanna be"

You've got.. the most unbelievable blue eyes I've ever seen...

Sugar Bowl com o Bruno

A tempestade no horizonte...

Essa foi a ultima vez que a gente foi esquiar com o Bruno (amigo de Niteroi). Quando estava nevando a gente nunca ia pra Tahoe, mas esse ano falou em nevasca a gente comeca a preparar o carro. Corrente pras rodas, todo o equipamento pra esquiar, muuuuitos casacos...
Tava nevando bastante e ventando mas mesmo assim valeu a pena. Vou colocar o video depois.

This was the last time we went snowboarding/skiing with Bruno, a friend from Brazil. This year whenever we heard "blizzard" in the forecast we started packing the car with ski stuff. Used to be that we only went to the mountains on sunny days. Not this year!
It was snowing and it was windy. But it was worth it. Videos will be posted later.

Treinando pra maratona

Eu ja contei o que o Jakub me deu de natal? Ele me inscreveu numa academia!! Ha-ha-ha.. ja ouvi as piadinhas (me poupem vai!). Mas nos ultimos 2 meses eu tenho ido quase todos os dias e resolvi comecar a correr serio pra correr uma maratona ainda esse ano. Eu tenho corrido 4x por semana e por enquanto, a maior distancia ja percorrida foi 18km (11 milhas e alguma coisa) mas o tempo eu nao me lembro exatamente mas se nao me engano foi 1h e 33 min... Ainda preciso melhorar muuuuito e correr muito mais pra chegar ao nivel de maratona, mas pra quem reclamava de correr 5km 2 meses atras, ate que eu nao to mal. Enfim... torce ai pra mim! Eu chego la! ( Na foto - Uma parte da ciclovia as margens do Rio American aqui em Sacramento)

Have I told you what Jakub got me for Christmas? Gym membership!! Ha-ha-ha.. I already heard the jokes. For the past 2 months I have been going to the gym almost every day and I decided to start running more seriously and perhaps run a marathon by the end of the year. I have been running 4x a week and so far, the furthest I have ran was 11 miles and a little bit (18 km) and if I remember correctly it took me 1h 33 min... Not too bad but I still have to improve a lot to be able to run a marathon. On the other hand, for someone who could barely run 5 miles 2 months ago, I think I am doing okay. Anyway... keep cheering me on! I will get there someday!
(Pictures taken by the American River parkway next to our house)