1 xicara de leite
1 xicara de oleo
2 ovos
1 xicara de nescau/toddy
1 xicara de acucar
2 xicaras de farinha de trigo
1 colher de sopa de fermento
Bata os ovos, oleo e o leite no liquidificador. Enquanto isso misture a farinha, o acucar e o nescau numa cumbuca. Coloque o leite batido na cumbuca, mixture tudo bem. Coloque a colher de fermeto e continue mexendo. Quando voce estiver cansada, coloque a mixtura numa forma untada com manteiga e farinha e coloque no forno pre-aquecido por 25-30 minutos. CALDA de CHOCOLATE? coloque 3 colheres de sopa de manteiga, 2 de nescau, 3 de leite e 2 de acucar e leve ao fogo ate engrossar um pouco. MTO BOM! Pratico, facil de fazer e barato! :) deixa o namorado feliz...

Chocolate cake:
1 cup of milk
2 eggs
1 cup of oil
1 cup of "powder chocolate" (Hershey's?)
1 cup of sugar
2 cups of flour
1 spoon of baking powder
Blend the milk, oil with eggs. At the same time, place sugar, flour and chocolate powder on a bowl and mix it well. Add the milk, oil/eggs mixture to the bowl. Add the baking powder and mix it well. Once you get tired of mixing, place the mixture in a cake pan (with butter and flour so that it does not stick). Place it on a pre-heated oven (350F , not sure in Celcius) for 25-30 minutes. CHOCOLATE "FROSTING"? 3 spoons of butter, 2 spoons of chocolate powder, 2 spoons of sugar and 3 spoons of milk. Heat it until it becomes a little thicker and dump it on the cake after it is done. It is SOOOOO GOOD!!! Easy, Quick, cheap! And it makes your boyfriend happy.
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