Sunday, February 22, 2009

Valentine's day - Dia dos namorados (EUA)

Hiking at Cronan's Ranch - Trilha

O Rancho Cronan fica perto de Sacramento, na rodovia 49 entre Coloma e Pilot Hill. Esse rancho e um lugar bem legal pra fazer trilhas - 20 km de trilhas, acesso ao American River (Rio), muita gente andando a cavalo, gente de parapente. enfim... Eu nao aconselho ir la no verao pois nao tem muitas arvores e o calor eh intenso. A trilha eh bem plana..

Cronan's Ranch is located near Sacramento, on Hwy 49 between Coloma and Pilot Hill (Salmon Falls Dr) and it is a pretty cool place for a short, easy hike to the river. There is not much shade in the 12 miles of trails they have out there so I would not recommend it in the summer - unless it is early in the day or late in the afternoon. Lots of horseback riding, access to the river, close to Sacramento and mostly flat trails.

Eric e eu

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Kirkwood/Sierra at Tahoe

Esquiando em Kirkwood e Sierra-at-Tahoe

Jake and Eric
Nick and I
Olha essa neve.... Perfeito!
Look at this snow!! AWESOME!

Amanda e Eric
Nick, Marcin e Kuba
Um pouco perto demais mas eu gostei dessa foto!
A little too close but it is a good picture
Eric and I

To carregando tanta coisa na minha jacketa - sanduiche, mascara pra neve, camera, agua, carteira - que eu pareco uns 20 kgs mais gorda! hahaha

I am always carrying so much stuff - sandwich, facemask, camera, water bottle, wallet - I look at least 40lbs bigger.
Strappping in
Nick, Nataly e Kuba
Kuba e Eric

O Nariz e o Eric
The Nose and Eric


Em Janeiro a minha amiga Elise, o Nick e eu fomos andar na neve com o "snowshoe" - ou sapato de neve. E um "sapato" de metal especial que ajuda a pessoa a andar na neve fofa sem afundar. Se voce fosse andar na neve com o seu sapato normal, voce escorregaria e tambem afundaria a cada passo, ficando com neve ate os joelhos pelo menos. Nesse dia varios fornecedores de "snowshoe" estavam presentes pra voce poder usar os sapatos especiais. Eu adorei!!

In January my friends Elise, Nick and I went snowshoeing. A snowshoe is a metal "shoe" used to walk in the snow without sinking in the deep powder. It helps you float and it has a good grip. If you were to walk with your normal shoes in the snow, you would be knee-deep in the snow. On the day we went there were several vendors letting you try out their product. I had a really good time!


Kirkwood cross-country skiing trail

Eu tinha que testar os sapatos e comecei a subir os morrinhos..Alguns nao eram tao pequenos assim...

I had to try the snowshoes and I was climbing all kinds of little hills. Well.. some were not that little.

Nick e Elise

Nice boots!! :)


A nossa caverna de neve! hahahaa

Our snow cave