Friday, August 29, 2008

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Eu acho que nao da pra cansar de ir ao aquario de Monterey, CA. O aquario fica a umas 3 horas sudoeste de Sacramento e eh enorme!! Essa foi a terceira vez que eu fui pra la. O aquario vai fechar a exposicao das aguas-vivas (A melhor!!!) e eu tinha que ver pela ultima vez. O Eric, a Elise, o Kuba e eu passamos o dia inteiro em Monterey e tava ate sol. Pra quem nao sabe, a costa da California ta sempre nublada e ta sempre frio.. a gente deu sorte.

I'm starting to think it is not possible to get tired of the Monterey Bay aquarium in CA. The aquarium has the same exhibits. more or less, everytime but I swear they are all different everytime you look at them. This was the third time I went there and "I took" (I did not drive!) Eric, Elise and Kuba with me. The aquarium is closing their Jelly-fish exhibit and I was really glad I got to see it for the last time. We spent the entire day in Monterey and the weather was surprisingly warm. For those who do not know, the Californian coast weather is always cloudy and it is always cold. We were really lucky!

Nessa foto, aqua-viva "pastel". Eu nao sei o nome cientifico e nem lembro o nome de verdade, mas nao parece um pastel de queijo? hahah
In this picture: The "Wanton Jelly-fish". I cannot remember the scientific name or the common name for that matter. But doesn't it look like a wanton? Totally!!!

Aprenda com os passaros... Nao so dormir em pe, mas dormir numa perna so.
Learn with the birds. Sleep on one leg only.
Esse carangueijo parece que saiu do filme "Transformers"
This crab auditioned for the movie "the Transformers"...

An old fancy-looking lamp?

Elise, Kuba and Eric

Voce ja tocou numa arraia? Eh muito estranho... A parte de cima do corpo delas eh diferente da parte de baixo (a parte de cima eh mais lisinha). Esse peixe cor de areia nada de lado (do jeito que ele esta na foto) e o outro peixe acha que ta disfarcado de areia e ta escondido.. hehe

Have you touched a stingray before? It feels weird... the upper part of their body has a different texture than the lower part. It's kind of slimy. There was a cool fish who swam sideways (the sand-colored one) and a fish who tought nobody could see "him" hiding beneath the sand. hehe

Essa foto ta meio fora de foco, mas isso eh um cavalo marinho que parece uma planta. Eh muito estranho!!!

This picture is a little out of focus but it is a picture of a leafy sea horse. It is sooo weird!


Dore - ou a Tati Papavero! heheh :)

Eric and Elise

Um mergulhador dando comida pros peixes dentro do Aquario. O que eu faco pra conseguir um emprego desses, hein?
A diver feeding the fish inside the giant aquarium. How do you get a job like that?
Tubarao - Shark

Agua-viva "gema de ovo". - The "egg-yolk" jelly fish

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Adrian and Anna

Adrian, who was an exchange student here in 1996, and Anna came to Sacramento to visit us (Pfaffs) for a few days. They live in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia and they were in the US on vacation.
O Adrian, que foi um intercambista aqui em 96, veio visitar a gente semana passada. Ele trouxe a namorada, Anna. Eles moram na Bratislava, a capital da Eslovaquia e estavam aqui nos EUA de ferias.
Na foto: Kuba, Craig, Adrian, Anna e eu

Black chasm Cave - Caverna

Ultima semana em que eu tive a segunda-feira de folga (agora eu tenho sextas).. O Nick e eu fomos visitar uma caverna a mais ou menos 1hr daqui de Sacramento. QUeria ter levado o meu tripe.. as fotos teriam saido melhores.
Last of my Mondays off (now I have Fridays off)... Nick and I went to visit a cavern about 1 hr from Sacramento. It was really cool.. too bad I did not take my tripod. The pictures would have been better...

Esse negocio que parece um rabo de cavalo eh uma raiz de uma arvore que tem encima da caverna... Bizarro ne?
This thing looking like a horse tail is actually an Oak tree's root. The tree sits at the parking lot above the cave. How bizzarre!!
Um lago... se eu me lembro bem a 40 metros de onde eu tirei a foto
If I remember correctly this lake was about 80 feet lower than the place I took this picture from

A entrada - the entrance

Monday, August 18, 2008

Festival de Shakespeare em Lake Tahoe

O resort de esqui chamado Northstar em Lake Tahoe...
Northstar ski resort in Tahoe

No verao muita gente vai pra Northstar pra andar de BMX (aquelas bicicletas estilo motocross). Eu e o Kuba pegamos o teleferico pra ver de perto
During the summer lots of people go to Northstar to ride their BMX bikes (let's just say.. very very off-road!). Kuba and I took the lift to take a closer look at the guys.

Eu fiz um video que eu vou colocar aqui depois

I actually made a video of those guys and I will post later

Kite surfing in Lake tahoe

Sand Harbor

Eu e o Kuba fomos assistir uma peca de teatro do Shakespeare chamada "A midsummer night's dream" no teatro ao ar livre em Lake Tahoe - umas 2 horas de Sacramento. A historia era muito estranha e dificil de entender... mas a paisagem... hmmm E o melhor eh que nos levamos a nossa cadeira e podia trazer o isopor e tudo. Todo mundo tomando vinho, comendo um paozinho.. muito bom...
OBS: Era proibido tirar foto no "teatro". Foi mal... eh por isso que as minhas fotos nao estao tao boas assim.
Kuba and I went to Tahoe to watch a play written by Shakespeare called "A midsummer night's dream" at the Shakespeare festival at the Sand Harbor in Lake Tahoe. The plot was very weird and very difficult to understand.. but the stage and the lake in the background made it worth it. It was sooo cool to be able to take our own comfortable chairs and to bring a cooler inside. Everyone was drinking wine, eating bread, cheess... hmmmm
PS: No photos were allowed during the performance. Oops! Sorry... my pictures don't look so great