I'm starting to think it is not possible to get tired of the Monterey Bay aquarium in CA. The aquarium has the same exhibits. more or less, everytime but I swear they are all different everytime you look at them. This was the third time I went there and "I took" (I did not drive!) Eric, Elise and Kuba with me. The aquarium is closing their Jelly-fish exhibit and I was really glad I got to see it for the last time. We spent the entire day in Monterey and the weather was surprisingly warm. For those who do not know, the Californian coast weather is always cloudy and it is always cold. We were really lucky!
Nessa foto, aqua-viva "pastel". Eu nao sei o nome cientifico e nem lembro o nome de verdade, mas nao parece um pastel de queijo? hahah
In this picture: The "Wanton Jelly-fish". I cannot remember the scientific name or the common name for that matter. But doesn't it look like a wanton? Totally!!!
Learn with the birds. Sleep on one leg only.
Esse carangueijo parece que saiu do filme "Transformers"
This crab auditioned for the movie "the Transformers"...
Abajur?An old fancy-looking lamp?
Elise, Kuba and Eric
Voce ja tocou numa arraia? Eh muito estranho... A parte de cima do corpo delas eh diferente da parte de baixo (a parte de cima eh mais lisinha). Esse peixe cor de areia nada de lado (do jeito que ele esta na foto) e o outro peixe acha que ta disfarcado de areia e ta escondido.. hehe
Have you touched a stingray before? It feels weird... the upper part of their body has a different texture than the lower part. It's kind of slimy. There was a cool fish who swam sideways (the sand-colored one) and a fish who tought nobody could see "him" hiding beneath the sand. hehe
Essa foto ta meio fora de foco, mas isso eh um cavalo marinho que parece uma planta. Eh muito estranho!!!
This picture is a little out of focus but it is a picture of a leafy sea horse. It is sooo weird!
Dore - ou a Tati Papavero! heheh :)
Eric and Elise
Um mergulhador dando comida pros peixes dentro do Aquario. O que eu faco pra conseguir um emprego desses, hein?
A diver feeding the fish inside the giant aquarium. How do you get a job like that?
Tubarao - Shark
Agua-viva "gema de ovo". - The "egg-yolk" jelly fish
Dore - ou a Tati Papavero! heheh :)
Eric and Elise
Um mergulhador dando comida pros peixes dentro do Aquario. O que eu faco pra conseguir um emprego desses, hein?
A diver feeding the fish inside the giant aquarium. How do you get a job like that?
Tubarao - Shark
Agua-viva "gema de ovo". - The "egg-yolk" jelly fish