Domingo fomos esquiar nas montanhas Sierra Nevada aqui na California. Fomos pra um resort chamado Sugar Bowl. Fomos num grupo de 7 pessoas. O dia estava lindo mas a neve nao tao boa. De manha estava quase puro gelo e com o passar das horas a neve comecou a derreter um pouco e ficar melhor. -------- Craig, Marcin e o Kuba
On Sunday we went skiing at Sierra Nevada mountains here in California. We went to a resort called Sugar Bowl. We were 7 all together. It was a beautiful day but the snow conditions were not so good. During the morning it was pure ice and as the hours went by the snow started to melt a little and the conditions got a little better. ---- Craig, Marcin and Kuba on the lift
On Sunday we went skiing at Sierra Nevada mountains here in California. We went to a resort called Sugar Bowl. We were 7 all together. It was a beautiful day but the snow conditions were not so good. During the morning it was pure ice and as the hours went by the snow started to melt a little and the conditions got a little better. ---- Craig, Marcin and Kuba on the lift
Marcin depois de um tombo espetacular. O coitado caiu de cara no chao e ainda deu umas cambalhotas. Nao conseguia nem comer chocolate depois de tanta dor...
Marcin after a spectacular fall. He fell head first and had some flips after that. Poor thing could not even eat chocolate afterwards, that is how painful it was.
Marcin after a spectacular fall. He fell head first and had some flips after that. Poor thing could not even eat chocolate afterwards, that is how painful it was.
Eles estavam tendo uma competicao la tambem pra criancas...
They also had a competition for children going on.
They also had a competition for children going on.
Expert only? Bahh... we laugh at the sign saying expert only! heheh :)
Um video de Saltos... ou tentativa de saltos! hahaha Primeiro Kuba (jaqueta marrom e branca), depois o Marcin (jaqueta amarelada - reparem na viradinha dele haha), depois o Craig (jaqueta cinza) e depois o Eric (de preto). O Kuba faz outro salto e depois o Marcin de novo. Kuba fazendo um salto de esqui. Repare na velocidade do cara ao sair de perto do Kuba quando ele vai aterrisar. hahaha CLIQUE NO PLAY para ver o video
Video of ski jumps.... or trying to jump! First Kuba (brownish-white jacket), Marcin is second (yellow-brownish jacket -- take a look at his break dancing skills!), then Craig (grey jacket), Eric (black jacket) and then Kuba and Marcin again. Kuba jumping.: notice how fast the guy moves once Kuba lands right next to him! HAHAHA. Click on play
Video of ski jumps.... or trying to jump! First Kuba (brownish-white jacket), Marcin is second (yellow-brownish jacket -- take a look at his break dancing skills!), then Craig (grey jacket), Eric (black jacket) and then Kuba and Marcin again. Kuba jumping.: notice how fast the guy moves once Kuba lands right next to him! HAHAHA. Click on play
Vou colocar esse video no tambem porque a qualidade vai ser melhor (e o video bem maior). Procurem por "Sugar Bowl Nataly".
I will also post this video on because the quality will be better and the video size larger. Search for "Sugar Bowl Nataly"