Monday, January 22, 2007



Nataly no melhor do humor...
Nataly at her "bestest" hihih

Na prainha no rio

em copa

Momento raro: papai sorrindo de verdade
Rare moment of a sincere smile

just for you

Kubus, this one is just for you! Guess where we were last weekend? hihihii.. no more of that "weird" restaurant.. hehehe Just good stuff. Too bad the weather did not help much.

O mar nao tava pra peixe ----

Voce ja viu peixe morrer afogado? Eh, esse final de semana tinha peixe morrendo afogado. E surfista tambem. Helicoptero em Piratininga? Isso ai.. o cara pagou um mico! Com direito a aplausos e tudo mais no fim.. hehehe

Have you seen drowning fish in the ocean? Yeap, last weekend I am sure there were some in Piratininga. And surfers as well. Helicopter in Piratininga? Yeap! Shame on that guy. After the rescue people clapped and everything..

O tempo estava horrivel... The weather was nasty

Concorda? Do you agree?

Pai e Mae dando uma esticadinha depois da caminhada


Nothing really to say... just family meeting again!

Jardim Aurelia

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Correr, correr... correr, correr... eh o melhor para poder...

Correr eh preciso. Nao da tempo de fazer nada e ao mesmo tempo nao tem nada pra fazer. Eh muuuuito bom sentir o cansaco depois de correr com o Caio, todo dia. E no final beber aquela agua de coco geladinha. Muuuuito bom!!

Running is almost essential. There is no time to do anything and at the same time there is nothing to do. However, it is always reeeeeaaaally good to feel tired after running around the park everyday with my friend Caio. At the end we always drink chilled coconut water. It is soooooo good!

Friday, January 12, 2007

bye bye long hair...

E assim, essa semana eu dei tchau pro meu cabelo comprido. Eh sempre assim, quando ta longo eu nao aguento mais, quando eu corto, eu me arrependo e digo que nunca mais vou cortar. Cabelo cresce... o duro eh esperar!

It is always like this. This week I kissed my hair good buy. When it is long, I want to cut it, when I cut, I tell myself I will never do that again. My hair will grow... but I hate waiting!

O Cyro tambem deu um tchauzinho pro cabelo dele. A minha mae ajudou.
Cyro also kissed his hair good bye! My mom helped him.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Feliz Ano Novo!! Ta falando serio?? ----- Happy New Year's!! Seriously???

Feliz Ano Novo... Feliz Ano Novo nada. Dia 1 de janeiro eu ja estava com saudades de 2006. Ninguem merece comecar o ano com uma batida de carro, ficar mais de 5 horas NA CHUVA do lado de fora do posto da Policia Federal na dutra esperando o perito aparecer. NINGUEM MERECE!

Happy New Year... Actually, not a Happy New Year's! On January 1st I was already missing 2006. No one deserves to start the new year with a car crash, wait 5 hours under the RAIN by the police station - in the road between Rio and Sao Paulo. NO ONE DESERVES THAT!