Sunday, October 29, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Comendo bolo no estilo polones. Quando eu estava na Polonia, eu reparei que em ocasioes especiais, ou se voce chama alguem pra jantar na sua casa, as pessoas te dao uma xicara de cafe, uma de cha, um copo de suco e uma taca de vinho. Geralmente eles te dao tambem dois pedacos de bolos diferentes e mais uns doces... putz.... ------------- Eating cake polish style! I noticed when I was in Poland that whenever I went to someone's house or when we had guests over for lunch, we/they would serve a cup of coffee, tea, juice and wine. All together, at the same time. Also I remember having to eat 2 pieces of 2 different cakes and other sweets...

Festival religioso da India - "Garba" na minha faculdade. Tenho vaaarios amigos da India e eles me chamaram pra ir ver essa danca. Na India, pelo que eu entendi, eles dancam por 9 dias. Aqui foi um dia so. Varias dancas diferentes, uma com um pedaco de madeira. Bem legal, bem diferente... ----------------------------- This was an Indian (From India) religious festival "Garba". I have many friends from India and they asked me to come ans watch. They had several different dances including one with a stick. As I understand, in India they dance for 9 days but in Sacramento it was only 1 day. It was really cool... different from anything I have seen...

Thursday, October 5, 2006
Ultimamente eu estou sempre nessa posicao. Sentada, com livros na mesa, computador pra fazer um "resumo" da materia.. EU tenho estudado muito!!!!! Alias essa foto ta horrivel, mas da pra ver a olheira, da pra ver que eu to palida, com fome, com sede, cansada e de saco cheio. Ainda sim, estou sorrindo.. ----------------------------------------------- Lately I have been at this position quite often: sitting behing the computer, lights on, books on the table. I have been studying a lot! Although this picture is very ugly, you can see my tired eyes, my white face (I have not been able to enjoy the sun in a long time), you can tell I am hundry, thirsty, tired and bored. Yet, I am still smiling

E naquele dia... digamos que queriamos mostrar a golden gate pro Henrique mas.... Sao Francisco sempre tem neblina!! Especialmente perto da Golden Gate. ------------------- On that day we tried to show Henrique the Golden Gate bridge but... heheh It is always foggy in San Francisco! Especially close to the bridge

Muitas coisas aconteceram desde a ultima vez que eu coloquei fotos no Blog. Em setembro o Henrique esteve aqui na California e a gente se encontrou la em SF. Pena que foi tao pouco tempo... ---------------------------------------- Many things happened since I posted pictures last time. In september Henrique, a friend from Brazil, came to California and we met in San Francisco. Too bad it was such a short visit

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