Voce esta cansado/a de ouvir radio porque eles sempre tocam a mesma musica? Entao voce precisa fazer como eu... todos os dias eu escuto uma radio diferente, de varios lugares no mundo. Hoje escutei Radio Energy da Alemanha, radio 2Day FM da Australia, Nile FM do Egito e radio 2M do Marrocos! Onde eu acho todas essas radios? http://www.mikesradioworld.com/index.html Eles tambem tem radios Brasileiras.
Are you tired of listening to your local radio station because they always play the same songs? Well... then you need to do what I do. Everyday I listen to a different radio station from different parts of the world. Today I listened to Energy FM from Germany, radio 2Day FM from Australia, Nile FM from Egypt and radio 2M from Morrocco. Where to find all those radio stations?? http://www.mikesradioworld.com/index.html They also have Brazilian stations.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
E se voces acham que so gente tem piscina... Ha Ha Ha... eh porque voces nao conhecem o Maui, cachorro da Aimee e do Craig! Ele tem a propria piscina! E eu que achei que o Scooby (meu cachorro) era mimado! ; ) ------------------------------------- If you thought only humans had a swimming pool... It is because you have not met Maui, Aimee and Craig's dog. He has his own swimming pool!! And I thought that my dog Scooby was spoiled!

Domingo nos fomos na casa do Craig. Uma amiga deles estava la e umas criancas do vizinho tambem. As criancas nao desgrudavam do Kuba, quase afogaram o coitado! hahahaha ------------------- Sunday we went to Craig's house. A friend of theirs was there as well as some og the neighbor's kids. They were glued to Kuba. They almost made him draw

Tuesday, July 4, 2006
Point Reye's eh uma peninsula ao norte de Sao Francisco. No final da peninsula tem um farol. Eh considerado o lugar que mais venta e tem mais neblina nos EUA. Ventos de 214 km/h foram registrados e neblina TOTAL por mais de 10 dias. O lugar eh bonito, mas quem ia querer morar la? --------------------------------------------------------- Point Reye's is a peninsula north of San Francisco. AT the end of the peninsula there is a light house. It is the windiest place in USA with top winds at 133 miles/hr (or 214 km/hr). It is also the foggiest place in USA. It is a very pretty place but who would want to live there?

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