Thursday, June 29, 2006
Sapatao??? Estava numa loja de esportes comprando uma chuteira nova quando dei de cara com esse tenis tamanho 53!!! Minhas havainas parecem ate de crianca ne? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big foot? I was in a sports store buying my soccer cleats when I saw this huge pair of tennis shoes... size? 53!! (or 16 in american standards).. it makes my flip flops look like they are kids' size

Monday, June 26, 2006
Sem vergonha na cara - Totally Shameless

Hoje quando eu tava assistindo ao jogo Italia e Australia eu me lembrei que meu amigo Italiano riu do Brasil por ter ganhado da Australia por "so" 2X0. Enquanto eu celebrava a vitoria ele falava "ahh Perai Nataly. Estamos falando da Australia ne?".. Bom.. hoje a historia foi diferente. A Australia dominou o jogo inteiro enquanto os Italianos se arrastavam no campo. E no final um Italiano se joga na area e o juiz marca o penalti. De que vale ser honesto ne? Certamente uma vaga nas quartas de final nao valem...
Today when I was watching the Italy vs. Australia game I thought of my Italian friend who was making fun of me because Brazil only won by 2x0 against Australia. While I was celebrating our victory my friend was saying "Come on Nataly... We are talking about Australia, ok?".. Well... today it was a different story. Australia played better the entire time and the Italians were dragging themselves on the field. At the end, one Italian dives in the area and the referee gives them a penalty kick. Is it worth to be honest? Certaintly not to get a spot in the quarter-finals of the World cup.
Why did I go to work today? - Porque eu fui trabalhar hoje??

Nao ha nada pior do que ir trabalhar quando o seu chefe esta de mal humor. Voce pode estar tendo o melhor dia da sua vida, mas se o seu chefe esta de mal humor... Ja era!! Ultimamente a minha supervisora esta sempre de mal humor. Eh quase impossivel ficar alegre em ir pro trabalho... Por Favor, SORRIA!! um sorriso faz uma diferenca enorme no dia das pessoas.
There is nothing worse than going to work to face your boss in a bad mood. Lately my boss is always in a bad mood! You might be having the best day of your life, but if your boss is in a bad mood.... It is almost impossible to enjoy going to work... Please, SMILE! Your smile will make a huge difference in someone's life.
Putz, que calor!!
43C em Sacramento... ninguem merece! Ontem nem o lago serviu pra dar uma refrescada. O Kuba reclamava que a agua estava muito quente! Eu reclamave que tinha muita gente na agua e nao dava nem pra nadar. Um sol quase insuportavel, banda mexicana, criancas correndo e gritando pra la e pra ca... Nossa... como eu queria estar em Pira curtindo a nossa praia vazia.. Saudades de casa!
43C in Sacramento (105F)! No one deserves that! Yesterday not even the lake was good enough to cool off. Kuba complained the entire time that the water was too hot (and no wind = no WINDSURF!). I was complaining that there were too many people in the water and that you could not even swim. We could not stay in the sun anymore, we could not take the Mexican band anymore or the kids running around and screaming. Gosh.. I wish I could go to Piratininga and enjoy our empty beach... I miss my home!
43C in Sacramento (105F)! No one deserves that! Yesterday not even the lake was good enough to cool off. Kuba complained the entire time that the water was too hot (and no wind = no WINDSURF!). I was complaining that there were too many people in the water and that you could not even swim. We could not stay in the sun anymore, we could not take the Mexican band anymore or the kids running around and screaming. Gosh.. I wish I could go to Piratininga and enjoy our empty beach... I miss my home!
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Jogo Brasil vs. Australia no Domingo num bar chamado Mandango's. O dono do bar resolveu abrir as 8 da manha so pra receber os Brasileiros! heheh E faturou!!! -------------------------------------------- Brazil against Australia on Sunday at a bar called Mandangos. The owner of the bar opened earlier just to receive us. He made some money!! hehe

Friday, June 16, 2006
Nas proximas semanas/meses esses vao ser meus melhores amigos. Livro de governo americano (arrrgggg!!) que eu preciso estudar pra passar a materia que eu to fazendo nas ferias, "Sequencia de DNA" pra eu poder trabalhar na minha pesquisa e estudar pro GRE, um teste tipo vestibular que todos tem que fazer pra tentar entrar no programa de PhD... aiii meu deus --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the next month or so those 3 books will be my best friends. AMerican Government book I need to read in order to pass the class I am taking this summer. DNA sequencing I need to read in order to work on my research project and GRE is a test required for every student that is trying to go to graduate school. I will be busy!!

Yukari - estudante Japonesa que morou aqui a muuuuuito tempo. Ela estava no Canada passeando e decidiu vir aqui visitar a gente. A Yukari ainda nao fala ingles direito e faz uns barulhos muito engracados quando ela nao entende... heheheh ----------------------------------------------------------- Yukari, a Japanese student that lived here a long time ago came back to visit. She was traveling in Canada and decided to stop by Sacramento. Although she still does not speak english that well, we had fun communicating. She makes very funny noises when she does not understand what we say. good times...

Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Brazil video
hehehe.. agora que eu aprendi a colocar videos no blog... Ebaaaa!! Ja que estamos em ritmo de copa do mundo, vamos mostrar o que temos de melhor no futebol!
Now I learned how to post videos online! Yupiii!!! Since we are in a World Cup mood, let's show Brazilian soccer at its best.
Now I learned how to post videos online! Yupiii!!! Since we are in a World Cup mood, let's show Brazilian soccer at its best.
Monday, June 12, 2006
I LOVE IT!! - Little Babuska (I don't know how to spell) add... hehehe just great. WIth so many Russians living in Sacramento, this add fits very well. So, today I went back to AR for one more class. It will me MW from 5-10pm!!! I will die!!!! And the worst part... it is a Government class/ Political sciences. ---------------------------- uma propaganda da opera Russa em forma de babuska (aquelas bonequinhas Russas que vc abre e tem outra bonequinha dentro). Com tantos Russos morando aqui em Sacramento, essa propaganda cai como uma luva. Hoje eu voltei a universidade antiga pra fazer mais uma materia: Governo e ciencias politicas!! ARG!!!!!!!!! e o melhor... as aulas sao as segundas e tercas das 5-10 da noite!!!

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