Sunday, February 19, 2006

Olhando as fotos do Brasil eu achei essa... que saudades de Paraty!! ------------------------ While I was looking into my Brazil 2006 picture file I found this one picture. I miss Paraty.....
Essa semana o Lucas Di Grassi renovou o contrato com a Renault e foi "promovido" pra GP2.. 1 passo pra formula 1. Lucas, estamos muito orgulhosos de voce!!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This week Lucas Di Grassi, my friend, renewed his contract with Renault and he was "promoted" to GP2, and now he is on the last step to get into Formula 1 racing. Lucas we are sooooo proud of you!!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Essa foto seria considerada sem graca e nao mereceria ser colocada aqui exceto que, quinta dia 16 foi o primeiro dia que eu coloquei sapato fechado esse ano! UAU!! 47 dias usando sandalia!! Eu fiquei muito feliz de voltar a usar sapato. Nem todos os sapatos.. nao pode ter salto e tem que ser bem folgado nos pes... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This picture is kind of boring however it is very important. On Thursday 6th of February I wore closed toe shoes for the first time this year!! WOW!! 47 days wearing sandals only!
Kubusiu comendo...
O prato da amiga do Kuba da Costa Rica.. Uma salada cesar com frango.. pequena.. ------------------------------- Kuba's friend from Costa Rica. Her plate: "small cesar salad with chicken"
O TAMANHO DA SOPA!! Gente!! Depois eu digo que tudo aqui nos EUA eh exagerado e as pessoas nao me levam muito a serio. Na quinta a noite levamos uma colega de trabalho do Kuba pra jantar e como eu nao tava com muita fome pedi uma sopinha... E eles me trouxeram um balde! hehehe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THIS SOUP! On Thursday night we went out with Kuba's co-worker to dinner and since I was not very hungry I ordered a small soup... and they brought me a bucket!! hehehe
Essa semana, na Segunda, eu queimei meus dedos com acido nitrico no laboratorio.. Nao doeu muito nao, mas a pele ficou amarela e deu bolha. Depois de uns dias a pele descascou e agora ta ficando melhor..------------------------------------------------------------ On Monday of this week I burned my fingers in the laboratory. I burned with Nitric acid and it did not hurt however my skin became yellow and I had some blisters. Now the skin is very dry and some of it has peeled off!
No dia 9 de fevereiro recebemos uma otima noticia! Meu irmaozinho Cyro entrou na faculdade... mas nao eh qualquer faculdade. Eh a faculdade de engenharia! Mas nao eh qualquer faculdade de engenharia... Eh a UNICAMP!!! EBAAAAA Ele ficou todo feliz! Soh tem um problema.. ele vai se mudar agora pra Campinas... ; ( ------------------------------------------------------------ On February 9th we received great news! My little brother Cyro just got into the engineering school! But it's not just an engineering school, it is THEE engineering school: UNICAMP (University of Campinas - Brazil) one of the best universities in the country. We were all so happy! The only sad news... he is moving away to Campinas which is about 1 hour from Sao Paulo..
Dia 10 de Fevereiro foi aniversario do meu irmaozao Romulo! 24 aninhos... heheh A familia e os amigos comemoraram em casa mesmo!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- On February 10th it was my big bother's birthday and they celebrated it at home with friends and family. He just turned 24!
No final do dia, quando eu estava cansada e de saco cheio!! ---------------------------------------------------------- At the end of the day when I was already tired... Sutter's fort!
Kuba e eu visitamos o Sutter's fort aqui em Sacramento no dia nacional do Museu (todos eram de graca). Foi logo depois do jogo de Rugby. Esse lugar foi o primeiro acampamento que teve aqui em Sacramento, e um dos primeiros aqui na California.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kuba and me visited Sutter's fort here in Sacramento. This was on Saturday right after the rugby game, it was national museum day and everything was free... This fort was the first settlement in Sacramento and one of the first ones in California
Rugby contra U.C. Santa Cruz.. perdemos e todo mundo no time saiu machucado... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rugby against U.C. Santa Cruz. We lost the game and everybody got injured!!

Friday, February 3, 2006

Essa semana eu..... / This week I....

Essa semana eu:

  • Fui pra faculdade (mas eu estava morrendo de preguica). Conheci o resto dos meus professors. Este semester tenho aula de religiao, quimica analitica + laboratorio, Fisiologia Humana + laboratorio e Ecologia + laboratorio. Tirando fisiologia as outras materias tem sido muito chatas!! Especialmente ecologia. Na aula de quimica eu me seguro pra nao dormir. O professor tem a voz muito suave e ele fala muito devagar.

  • Fui no show do Cold Play com o Kuba no Arco Arena, o Ginasio onde o Sacramento Kings – time de basquete da NBA – joga. O show foi OTIMO!! Antes do show do Cold Play teve show da Fiona Apple. Todo mundo ja ouviu falar dela mas ninguem conhece nenhuma musica. O show dela estava tao ruim que eu tirei um cochilo. Eh.. no meio daquele barulhao!! Mas o show do Cold Play valeu a pena!!

  • Fui nos treinos de Rugby. Fiquei feliz de rever as meninas, mas triste de nao poder jogar, nao poder correr com elas. No sabado passado teve jogo contra a universidade de Santa Clara. Nos nunca tinhamos vencido aquele time, mas dessa vez,… 51 X 0!!!! EBAAAAA.

Depois do jogo teve uma festinha na casa da capita no time Lorae. Compramos um ”barrio” de chop… 2 meninas tomaram uma dose de chop na chuteira (tradicao do nosso time. Quando uma menina marca um Tri (pontos) pela primeira vez, ela tem que beber cerveja na chuteira de uma das meninas do time enquanto o resto do time canta uma musiquinha). A festa tava legal, uma gritaria so! Imaginem: tinham umas 20 meninas, o Kuba, o Rob (um dos tecnicos da Nova Zelandia que virou o melhor amigo do Kuba), o Jason - namorado da Lorae e o namorado de uma outra menina. Estavamos jogando carta e bebendo cerveja quando derrepente os policiais batem na porta. Todo mundo ficou num silencio absoluto! O policial entrou na casa e pediu pra falar com a Lorae e o Jason, os donos da casa. Todas as meninas apavoradas pois a maioria nao tem 21 anos (ou seja nao poderiam estar bebendo). Do nada o Jason, namorado da Lorae e dono da casa falou: ”Meninas ,podem relaxar... esse cara nao eh um policial. Ele eh o stripper que a gente contratou pra animar a festa” hahahah que coragem! Voce nao deve NUNCA falar isso pra um policial, ainda mais aqui na California. Mas o cara levou na boa, ainda deu uma dancadinha e ficou tudo bem, ele foi embora e pediu pra gente falar mais baixo, abaixar a musica e fechar as janelas pros vizinhos nao reclamarem. Hehe Ele disse que os vizinhos ligaram pra eles dizendo que tinham mais de 200 pessoas na festa (20 meninas.. imagine o barulho que a gente estava fazendo).
O Kuba ficou amigao do Rob, nosso tecnico Kiwi (Neo Zelandes) ele ficaram conversando a noite inteira e agora temos uma festa pra ir na casa dele.

  • Arrumei os armarios: O que a falta de espaco nao faz a gente fazer ne? Eu acabei dando um monte de roupas pra caridade e ainda sim guardei umas numa caixa la na garagem. Eu tirei 8 calcas do meu armario que nao serviam mais em mim. 8 CALCAS!!! Mas eu fiquei feliz com isso porque todas essas calcas estao muito GRANDES em mim e por isso nao servem! Ebaaa!! Quem sabe um dia eu ainda volto a vesti-las! Tomara que nao… heheh

  • Amanha: Tem jogo de Rugby contra a Universidade de Santa Cruz. O Kuba vai esquiar com um amigo da HP. De noite eu vou trabalhar com as meninas do Rugby servindo um jantar pra uma organizacao ai… Esse trabalho vai colocar mil dolares na conta do nosso time! Ebaaaaa!!!


This week I:

Went to the University: (although I was very lazy). I met the rest of my teacher. This semester I have a world religion class, quantitative chemical analysis with lab, Human physiology with lab and ecology with lab. Except for the physiology class, the other classes are very boring!! Specially ecology. In my chemistry class I try very hard not to fall asleep. The teacher has a very soothing voice and he talks too slow.

Went to the Cold Play concert with Kuba. The concert was at Arco Arena, home of the Sacramento Kings – NBA basketball team. The concert was GREAT!! Before Cold Play, Fiona Apple played some songs. Everyone has heard of Fiona but no one can name one of her songs. Her concert was so terrible I fell asleep. Yes… even with all that noise. But Cold Play’s concert was worth!!

Went to Rugby Practice: I was so happy to see my friends again and at the same time sad because I could not play and jog with them. Last Saturday there was a game against the University of Santa Clara. We had never won a game against that team but this time… 51X 0!!! YESSSS

After the game we had a little party at Lorae’s house (the team Capitan). We bought a keg of beer… 2 girls took a boot shot (tradition at Sac State… When a girl scores a Tri for the first time, she has to drink a shot of beer from someone’s rugby boots/cleats while the rest of the team sings a song). The party was cool… everyone was very loud. Imagine: 20 girls, Kuba, Jason (Lorae’s boyfriend), Rob (one of our Rugby coaches from New Zealand) and another girl’s boyfriend. We were playing cards and drinking when the cops knock on the door. Everybody was in silence. The policeman entered the house and asked for the house owner’s: Lorae and Jason. All the girls were afraid of getting in trouble since most of them were under 21 and therefore could not be drinking. Out of the blue, Jason, Lorae’s boyfriend says, “Girls relax! This is not a cop, he is just a stripper we hired for the party” hahahaha how brave of him! You should NEVER say something like that to a cop, especially in California. The cop took it as a joke and he even danced a little bit. Everything was fine, he just asked us to turn down the music, not to talk so loud and to close the windows so that the neighbors would not complain. The neighbors called the cops saying that there were 200 people in the party. (20 girls!! Imagine the noise we were making).
Kuba became really good friends with Rob, our Kiwi coach (from New Zealand). They talked the entire night and now we are invited to go to a party at his house.

Cleaned the closet: Lack of space makes us do things. I cleaned the closet today and I ended up taking a lot of stuff out to give to charity. I also put some clothes away in a box in the garage. I took out 8 pairs of pants that did not fit me anymore! 8 PAIRS OF PANTS!!! I was really happy though because they are too BIG on me and that is why they no longer fit me. YESSSSSS!!! Maybe one day I will wear them again. Hopefully now… hehehe

Tomorrow: There is a Rugby game against the University of Santa Cruz. Kuba is going snowboarding with a friend from HP. In the evening I will work as a server with Rugby girls. We will serve supper for one organization and we will get $1000 dollars into out team account. NICE!


todo mundo
Jogando cartas na casa da Lorae antes do "policial stripper".................. Playing cards at Lorae's before the "Stipper cop" arrived!! hehe ESQ/Left: Kori, ALexis, Kuba, Arlene, Ellen, Kristina
Meninas jogando cartas: Khristina, Mel, LJ, ???, Kori, Alexis
Downey participando do ritual!! .................. Downey taking her part in our ritual!
Alexis bebendo a dose de cerveja na chuteira!!! Lorae (nossa capita) segurando o copo................... Alexis doing the boot shot with beer. Lorae (our Capitan) holding the cup
Rugby atualizado!!
� Essa semana eu: Fui no show do Cold Play com o Kuba no Arco Arena, o Ginasio onde o Sacramento Kings - time de basquete da NBA - joga. O show foi OTIMO!! Antes do show do Cold Play teve show da Fiona Apple. Todo mundo ja ouviu falar dela mas ninguem conhece nenhuma musica. O show dela estava tao ruim que eu tirei um cochilo. Eh.. no meio daquele barulhao!! Mas o show do Cold Play valeu a pena!!

� This week I: Went to the Cold Play concert with Kuba. The concert was at Arco Arena, home of the Sacramento Kings - NBA basketball team. The concert was GREAT!! Before Cold Play, Fiona Apple played some songs. Everyone has heard of Fiona but no one can name one of her songs. Her concert was so terrible I fell asleep. Yes� even with all that noise. But Cold Play�s concert was worth!!

Cold Play....
No show do Cold Play