Na piscina natural de caixada�o. LINDO!!!!! ---------------------------- At the natural swimming pool of Caixadasso. Just BEAUTIFUL!!
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Viagem pra Paraty... MARAVILHOSA!! Aqui e a praia de Trindade onde passamos o Domingo. Precisa de mais alguma coisa?? --------------------------------------- Trip to Paraty... AWESOME place by the coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro. This is Trindade beach where we spend our Sunday. Should I ask for more?
Scott (amigo de Sacramento) e sua familia passaram por SP na ultima quarta-feira e ficaram na nossa casa. Aqui, Scott e Willy (irmao) no topo do nosso predio. ------------------------------------------------------------- Scott (friend from Sacramento) and his family came to SP last Wednesday and they stayed at our house. Here, Scott and Willy (brother) at the top on my building
Monday, July 25, 2005
Este e o Museu do Ipiranga, lugar onde Dom Pedro I declarou independencia de Portugal em 1890. O museu tem mais de 125 mil pecas que vao de quadros, esculturas a medalias e botoes. O predio e os jardins sao inspirados nos mesmos em Versailles.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is the Museum of Ipiranga, place where Dom Pedro I declared Brazil independent of Portugal in 1890. The museum has more than 125,000 pieces such as paintings, sculptures, medals and weapons. The building and the garden were designed after Versailles in France. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To jest Muzeum Ipiranga gdzie Dom Pedro I, ogłaszam Brazylię niezależna Portugalia w 1890. Muzeum ma więcej niż 125,000 eksponatow sztuki w rodzaju obrazów, skulptury, medale... Budowla i ogród były po Wersal w Francji.
Este e o Vale do anhangabau e acredite se quiser, havia um Rio passando por este lugar. As pessoas usavam o Rio para lavar roupas, e tambem para tomar banho. Hoje suas aguas estao canalizadas e desaguam em outro rio na Vila Mariana. Haviam muitas chacaras e plantacoes de cha, por isso o Viaduto do Cha leva este nome. Em 1877 come�ou o projeto de urbaniza�ao do lugar e construiram-se 30 predios de cada lado do rio. Este tunel fica completamente inundado na epoca de enchentes em SP em Janeiro. --------------------------------------------------------------- This is Anhangabau Valley, were anhangabau river used to be (today it is canalized and taken into a different part of the city). People used to use this river to wash clothes, bath and also as a source of water for irrigation purposes. This valley used to have many tea plantations. In 1877 they started urbanization project at this location and built 30 buildings on each side of the river. The Anhangabau tunnel get completely flooded during flood season in Sao Paulo (January).
O predio do Banespa e um dos mais altos de Sao Paulo. Tem 161 de altura e como esta em uma das partes mais altas da cidade, num dia claro podemos observar a Serra do Mar, num raio de mais de 40km. O predio do Banespa eh uma miniatura do Empire State building. O predio rosinha e chamado de Edificio Martinelli e foi o primeiro arranha ceus de SP com 30 andares. Hoje é ocupado por escitorios do governo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The banespa building is a small scale of the Empire State Building in NYC. It was built in 1947 and it is one of the tallest building in SP with 161m. Since it stands in one of the highest places in Sao Paulo, it has a visibility of up to 40km in a clear day. The pink building on the right is called Edificio MArtinelli and it was the first sky scrapper in Sao Paulo with 30 floors. Today it is a governmet office building.
Esta � a praca da S�, praca que marca o marco zero de Sao Paulo. E um lugar muito popular para comicios e demonstracaoes politicas. Depois que a estacao de metro foi instalado na praca, sua beleza foi substituida pelo lixo e poluicao que dominam a praca atualmente. A Catedral metropolitana e uma mistura de estilo gotico e bizantino e tem lugar para mais de 8000 pessoas sentadas. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is Praca da Se, or Se square which marks the exact center of the city. The square is a traditional location for public demonstrations and political manifestations. After the subway station was built, the square lost most of its beauty and became very dirty and poluted place. The metropolitan Cathedral has a mixture of gothic and byzantine styles and has place for more than 8000 seated people. It was built in 1954.
Esta e a praca Ramos, homenagem ao arquiteto Francisco Ramos que construiu o teatro Municipal, inspirado na Casa de operas de Paris. Foi construido em 1911. ------------------------------------------------------ This is Ramos square, named after Francisco Ramos, the architect responsible for the City Theather. The theather was designed after the Paris opera House. It was built in 1911..
Esta e a Esta��o da Luz, constru�da em 1895. A estacao era parte fazia parte da companhia Sao Paulo Railway e foi construida para levar a producao de cafe do interior ate o porto de Santos. Seu relogio era o referencia para os acertos da cidade. ------------------------------------------------- This is Luz Station, built in 1895 and it was part of Sao Paulo Railway company. It was originally used to transport coffee from inland plantations to the port of Santos. It has been recently remodeled. Its clock was a point of reference.
Este � p Edif�cio It�lia, o mais alto de S�o Paulo (N�o sei se ainda �). Tem 165 metros de altura, 45 andares, 19 elevadores, uma galeria com lojas e sobrelojas, teatro e um terra�o na cobertura onde funciona um dos mais conhecidos restaurantes da cidade, o Terra�o It�lia.------------------------------- This is Edificio Italia (Italy Building) which is/used to be the tallest building in S�o Paulo. It has 165m and 45 floors.. 19 elevators, a galery, many stores, a theather and one of the best restaurants in S�o Paulo, Terra�o Italia restaurant.
Ontem fomos fazer um passeio pelo centro de S�o Paulo, lugares que eu nunca fui, mesmo depois de morar aqui muito tempo. Esta � a famosa Avenida Paulista onde fica o centro comercial de SP. Muitos bancos, predios de escrit�rio, torres de tv... ------------------------------------------------------ Yesterday we went to Old downtown S�o Paulo. We went to places that I have never been to, even though i lived here for so long. This is the famous Paulista Avenue, the commercial center of SP. Banks of all over the world, tv towers, office buildings, traffic... everything happens there.
Monday, July 18, 2005
At the June festival, usually there is a "wedding" (I guess it is supposed to be like that however in all June festivals I have been to, the wedding is always symbolic and of course not serious.) At my aunt�s b-day, the theme was June festival and there was a symbolic wedding. Those little kids are my aunt�s neighbors and they had the best time "pretending there was a wedding". It was tough convincing her that this was not true. She was like " I don�t want to get married. I think I am too young".. hehehe Kids..
O aniversario da Dinda tinha como tema festa caipira. Na foto Felipe, namorado da Ju, Dinda Dilma e minha prima Juliana de caipira.-------------------------------------------------- My aunt and Godmother�s b-day had as a theme June festival. Felipe (my cousin�s boyfriend), my Godmother and my cousin Juliana.
Essa foto esta escura mas mostra as casinhas tipicas de Paraty, cidade no litoral do RJ, pela estrada Rio-Santos. Pena que a gente chegou la e ja estava quase escuro.. --------------------------------------------- This picture is really dark but it shows some of the typical houses of Paraty, coastal city between Rio and Sao Paulo. Too bad we got there and it was almost dark.
Pela primeira vez eu dirigi pro Rio.. digamos metade do caminho ate chegar ao litoral (nos pegamos uma estrada de terra pra Paraty). Ate que gosto bastante do carro..--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the first time i drove to Rio.. Actually only half way, only until we took a dirt road to Paraty (oceanside on the way to Rio). Actually I really really like the car
Mas acho que essa foi a mais descontraida. O Rubens tinha falado alguma coisa e eu nao conseguia parar de rir!! hehehe ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think this one has the most honest smile. Rubens (the photographer) had said something really funny and i just could not stop laughing!!
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Dia de Modelo. Hoje fui no estudio do Rubens (fotografo) tirar umas fotos. Ate que ficaram legais...-------------------------------------------------- A day as a model! Today I went to Rubens� studio (he is a friend photographer) shoot some pictures. He just got some new equipament and wanted to test on me.
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